Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Pen and Computer

You can write only with your brain; but whether to process your thoughts with a computer or pen and paper is your first practical choice as a writer. I suppose it is still possible to ignore the computer and write just with pencil and paper. A surprising number of writers, including Martin Amis, A. S. Byatt, Ted Hughes, John Irving, Joyce Carol Oates, Susan Sontag, John Updike, and Edmund White prefer longhand for serious writing. But the advantages of the computer are so great that it seems almost irresponsible to pass them up. A computer greatly accelerates editing procedures, allowing you to take a piece through far more drafts than you could otherwise. On-screen correction is so easy that people of all ages find the process relaxing, even pleasurable. Computers give a sense of freedom from lasting error that no one who has experienced it will want to give up. I shall never forget the excitement I felt, twenty-five years ago, when I discovered that words had ceased to be indelible. So in this book I shall take for granted that you will probably use a computer for some, if not all, the processes of writing.

Many people use a computer throughout, and never feel the need to print out hard copy. Mathematicians, in particular, produce papers and even books entirely onscreen. In principle, it is possible to write and publish electronically, without ever lifting pen or pencil. For some, however, especially those engaged in literary work, this may not always be the way to get the most out of the computer.

Computers of the present generation have certain limitations, arising from the screen display, which for some people tend to complicate the process of writing long pieces. Even with the best flat-screen monitor you can’t comfortably read long texts. And you can’t actively browse with any clear sense of where you are in the text.

Good writing depends on extensive reading, not only previous reading of other works but also frequent scans of your own piece, the one you’re working on. Yet if it runs to any considerable length, uninterrupted reading on-screen is difficult. A monitor’s field of view is necessarily local, limited to about 150 words—much less than a printed page. This is fine for drafting a postcard; but not for extensive reading or browsing. To scroll through successive screenfuls is hardly an adequate substitute: it is too fragmentary and remote from ordinary reading. In active browsing you need to be able to skim or read a page or two here, check the index there, and jump back or forward at will, always aware of structure and proportion, always aware of each passage’s relation to the text as a whole.

Working by the screenful can have the unfortunate consequence of smoothing your writing prematurely. For onscreen correction is so easy that the grammar and word choices gel too soon, without enough consideration being given to the overall sequence or the underlying structure. Decisions about the piece as a whole may tend to be passed over, so that the end result is polished enough, but boring: flat, shapeless, even garrulous.

Some have gone so far as to argue that the fluency and facility of composing on-screen are positively bad for writing, since they make you forget the reader’s experience of your piece. The beautiful screen is supposed to delude us into a false consciousness, flattering us with the illusion that technical procedures (correction of typos, format changes, boilerplate insertions, rearrangement of phrases, and the like) can do it all by magic. You cast wonderful

spells, but find they are somehow not enough. But the evidence for all this (cited by Edward Mendelson in a 1990 Academic Computing article) is no longer thought compelling. In any case, the remedy is a very simple one: any limitation you feel in the computer’s display can be overcome by printing out hard copy. I shall assume, in fact, that you will work from printouts whenever you find it more convenient to do so.

Composing on-screen, revising as you go, is obviously fine for short letters, emails, and routine reports. But many people find that anything longer than 250 words or so—and certainly any competitive or ambitious piece that needs much thought—is better printed out for reading and drafting. For many writers drafting is not a detour but the best way forward.

An additional reason for alternating screen and paper applies only to some writers, who find their thinking in front of a screen slower. After a time the computer has for them a dulling, even stupefying effect. Others report quite the reverse, finding that the computer’s pleasurability encourages thinking on-screen, as Michael Heim claims in Electric Language (1987). People differ; but it does no harm to take a break from the screen every half hour or so, for your circulation’s sake.

Some writers find it helps to jot down the earliest draft on paper, where they can vary the size of words for emphasis, use abbreviations, and resort to private symbols. Even illegible scribbles can be turned to account: paper writers can postpone resolution of ambiguities, defer grammatical structuring, delay lexical choices, allow their minds to explore vague surrounding associations, and perhaps encounter serendipities. For them, the computer closes off too many syntactic options, and calls for definition of ideas still inchoate. Other writers, however, more at ease on the keyboard, value the rapid rearrangement and deletion that can be done on-screen. Inserts can go in as they come to mind, without need for memos or post-its. In drafting, the choice between pen and keyboard may be partly a matter of age, partly of training and temperament.

At any rate, when you have reached the stage of a rough outline, you may want to print it out for ease of reading. Working with the draft on paper, you can read it more easily, and see whether each passage is proportioned and positioned where it should be. But don’t forget to have the latest draft on-screen, ready for you to slot in corrections, references, and new ideas.

Except for a complete beginner, computer spellchecks can waste time. They have a way of giving the correct spelling of the wrong word. Better to have a good dictionary on disk (or on your desk), and consult it for yourself. When you work on the final draft, though, a spellcheck sometimes finds inconsistencies. A grammar check, too, if it is a very good one, can be instructive. But again it is better still to learn some grammar. If you could have a program to write the whole piece for you without effort on your part, would you buy it? If the answer is yes, read no further.

Taken from “How to Write” by Alastair Fowler (Oxford University Press 2006)


  1. Hello, my name is Heza Ramanda, and I would like to give a comment on this article that I have read. To begin with, I want to give my opinion on this topic, about pen and computer, I’m pretty sure that a lot of people, including me, finds it easier to write using computers. To write using computer is a whole lot easier because it gives simplicity. And also, it provides us with an easier way to edit our writing. We can also know how many words we are using, the mistakes in grammar or sturctures, or even to find a chosen word we would like to find. And due to those advantages, it is clear that using computer is easier. But,there are also some people who finds it easier to write with pen. And for those who finds it easier to write with pen, they may have their own reasons. But I personally, with all those reasons I wrote above, prefer pen to computers as a tool to write.

  2. The reason why we invented technology in the first place is to make our life easier. And a computer is only one from many advance technology products that took years to innovate. We put in all that effort, time, and money to create items that will potentially give a significant change in our life. And one of its purposes is to simplify our writing.

    There are different types of writers, and they have their own preferences on writing. They may write with pen, computer, or the old-fashioned typing machine. They may write their outlines in posts-it, memos, a diary, or laptop. It would be quite interesting if a writer writes outside of his or her comfort zone. Where they could feel, understand the clear differences between the options and choose what they most feel comfortable with. But what I would like to point out is that our writing style doesn’t determine the content. Some people would think that if we use computers, we wouldn’t produce a beautifully written book. Also those writers who write with ink have much more potential in delivering their creativity.

    The article above refers that we might lose our great writing experience if we use computers rather than convensional writing. I believe that our writing experience depends more on the situation that inspired us to write, and the way we present them to the future readers. Who knows probably Dickens, Bronte, and Jane Austen would prefer to type if they had access to computers way back then?

  3. Pen and computer, I think both of them can be used as a writing tool. The choice depends on the writer, I think every writer has his or her own preferences. And I think, both pen and computer has its own positive and negative side.
    Using technology like laptops and computers are easier to edit, we can make a whole editing. We can easily change the font size, font style, margin, page setup, easy to publish, cut, copy, and paste. We also can use less energy because we type using ten fingers, but when we do handwriting, we only use few fingers. When using computers, we need electricity or battery. If there isn’t any, we stop working. And also, typing within a long time is bad for our eyes. The crucial issue now is the plagiarism, and the root of this problem is copy paste in computer. Imagine a student submit a printed task, we don’t know who write it. It is possible that the student just copy from the internet.
    On the other hand, handwriting is an expression of our emotion. By looking at the handwriting, we are able to imagine how the writer feels when writing that. It gives like a “personal touch”. But, the paper that we use need place to be saved, sometimes it’s not easy to manage a good archive for handwriting.
    Overall, I think the choice depends on the writer. Both handwriting and typing are good. I have ever heard about the rule that when we write shorter pieces (short stories, poems, etc.) we use pen and paper and we write longer pieces (novel, autobiographies, etc.) we type it on the computer. It’s about your preferences and responsibility when using it (not plagiarism), I prefer to use computer, because I don’t want to waste paper and map to manage it.

  4. From those article about Pen and Computer, I think both Pen and Computer can be used as a writing tools but actually it is depends on the writer preferences. Many people who already experts in writing had a problem when writing using computer, they cannot express their feelings to write and writing using pencil had already became their habit. Write using computer is easy for some people. By typing it is a lot more easy and faster than writing with pencil and when we had a miss spelling, mistake in grammar, and other silly mistake we can easily edit it. Also by using a computer we don't have to waste many paper. But when we always write with a computer, it makes our handwriting deteriorated. For me, I prefer to use computer when write an essay, but when study I prefer to use pen because based on the article that I read, writing with pen will makes us easily understand any lessons.

  5. In my opinion, using pen or pencil to write is more comfortable than to write on the computer. Well, even it’s not that efficient and may be wasting your time, but when I write using pen or pencil, it feels like I could get my idea easily. I could concentrate more than I write on the computer. Like this. When I write using pen or pencil, my mind could think while my hand is writing, so the idea flows easily. But when I write using computer, my mind couldn’t think because my hand had done typing. So it’s like my mind is easily to distract by something else. You got what I meant? It’s hard to explain haha
    The point is, I love writing using pen or pencil than computer or laptop or any other technology. I know it’s not efficient, I know it’s wasting your time and your paper, but yes, I still in love to write with pencil.

    1. I am strongly agree either disagree with you Jeka, because sometimes I prefer just writting down what I'm doing, or type on my laptop (how I am being so fickle about my own opinion haha).

      And, yes, you're right. Sometimes writting down on the paper of what we have learned or studied, makes us more focus and get our ideas easily. But, sometimes, the things that I hate about writting by pencil is, when the lecture or teacher change the topic fastly, so when we're still writing down the things, he/she moved one slide to another. And also there is one thing I don't really like of the pencils or pens: my bad hand writting. It just looks like a messy alphabet which is arranged badly. My writtings also get smaller or even bigger, and I do need more time to write, cause I'm just that slow at writting. But, it doesn't mean that I prefer to type on my laptop. It's all just depends on my mood and also the case. (haha)

  6. Pen and Computer, I think both of them are really important, and I choose both of them. I like to use pen when I have to write a summary, because it’s more effective to make a concept map. If we use computer to make a concept map, it will be more complicated. We have to make a line with many steps, whereas we just need one step if we use pen. In the other hand, when we use pen, we don’t need to print the summary that has been made. I love to use computer when I have to make kinds of diagram. It will be more complicated if we use pen because we will need compass to make a circle, we’ll need eraser if we make a wrong path, etc, whereas we just need simple steps to make diagrams with computer. I think both are important. It depends on the object we want to make.

  7. Pen and Computer, I think both of them are important and they complement each other. For me, I used pen to solve mathematic equation or just to draw some random things when I'm bored,and I used computer when I have to write an essay, summary, etc. I think that if we used pen to write a long essay it will be too tiring and waste of energy, but if we use computer it will safe more time and energy. I can't decide which one I use more because personally I'm not the type of person who read e-book and if I have to read something it will be better if I have the printed version, somehow it raise my concentration and willingness to read it. But when I have to read a story like fanfic I prefer to read it on my phone. I think whether a person is a pen or computer type it depends on their personal preferences and these days more people are combining the usage of both pen and computer.

  8. Technology helps us to make our lives easier. Therefore, we as human beings can’t deny technological progress. The increasing endowment of people and institutions with the latest technology and all the possibilities it offers can’t be stopped. We as human beings have to adapt to that and start using those technologies, too. Otherwise we will become out-dated very fast. Imagine the following situation: You are submitting a paper for university in handwriting. What would your professor at UGM say? Using computers as an instrument for writing has become necessary. I like writing papers and homework with the computer, as well as files to which I want to add content from time to time. For these purposes the computer is perfect as you can always safe the different stages of your document. However for studying I prefer hard copies. When I have to read texts and memorize things I need a hard copy where I can highlight words. In addition, when I am studying I can’t read long texts on the computer because after some time my eyes will start to hurt. I also like handwriting more when I am writing personal letters or postcards, because a letter written with the computer and then printed out creates formality and distance.

  9. As we already know, technology is made to help us and make our live easier. We also know that technology rapidly progress nowaday. We have to adapt with this situation because technology will be very useful in the future. For example, we can see the improvement of computer.
    In my opinion, I would rather to say that pen or computer, both of them have their own advantages towards our life. It actually depends on people’s choices. I would like to use pen when I am doing mathematic problems or drawing something rather than using computer because it’s a lot easier. But when I am doing writing task or making summary, something about writing, I would rather to use computer. It’s because computer will make me faster to write and it’s not tiring to type.
    I also agree with this statement, “Except for a complete beginner, computer spellchecks can waste time…But again it is better still to learn some grammar.”. We know that computer spellchecks aren’t always right and also it’s better to use your own dictionary and consult it yourself. Because it will help you to improve your grammar and vocabulary rather than use spellchecks on computer.
    So, I think both of them, pen and computer, are important. Each of them has their own function and advantages. Once again, it all depends on people preferences.

  10. I think it depends on the pieces. If the writer is writing shorter pieces (short stories, poems, essays, etc.) then probably most will use pen and paper, but as for the longer pieces such as novels, autobiographies, courses, then most probably are going to write using computer.

    Using computer to write is having its own advantages, such as: faster, the finished work looks more professional (due to formatting), possible to share documents on the internet and collaborate, and it is also possible to publish it on the internet.

    Although using computer has advantages, it does not mean it is free from disadvantages. As for the disadvantages are as follows :
    1. Long hours writing on computer is not healthy (your fingers will get tired and also your eyes and probably your back.)
    2. The document is losing “personal touch” (one will wonder “did she really write this?”)

    There’s no right answer to this question.

  11. Pen and computer, both of them are used as writing tools. Which one is better, I think each person has different preference between pen and computer. Computer is designed to make us easier to type what we want. While, pen takes a lot of time and sometimes if we write with a pen in several minutes, our hands will get cramp. In my case, I prefer using pen to computer. Why? Because by using pen I can doodle things I want and by using pen it’s so much easier to write down something. If I want to write something by pen, I can feel the sensation or the art or the joy of writing, because I can scratch as I want to and able to make writing plan before it fixed. Eventhough computer is simpler than writing by pen, but what we write on the computer has to be fixed and we can’t make doodle or scratch something on it. So, as Jeka has stated before, I have the same opinion as hers. I prefer writing by pen to computer.

  12. Well, if we're talking about pen vs computer, then surely the one that's going to win is computer. There is one obvious reason behind it : instant. People tend to take an instant way these days. I'm sure that everyone loves their time, that's why they don't want to lose a single minute just to write something. They don't want to think about the risk when they use computers, they want the result. the faster the result the better. But the again, we can't just deny that when we use computer and only aim for the result of our works, we don't actually get the essential of the result. What I mean is, when we finally reach the result, we'll just print it out, and then nothing. It's actually worthless, and that makes us look spineless. Meanwhile, while we're using pen in working, we can get both the working and the result essential. Of course, writing nowadays cannot be applied in some occasion, but we should at least maintain our handwriting once in a while because it's very important.

  13. As for me, I like to use both pen and computer in my daily life. Both give me different advantages. It depends on what I want to do. I will use pen to do my assignments in some courses like mathematics, statistics, or accounting, because sometimes I need to count manually. So, it’s better to use pen. It is bothersome too for me to use mathematical equation on computer. It is easier to write it with a pen on a piece of paper. I also like to use pen to take notes in the class. It is much more efficient. I don’t really like reading notes on computer, because gazing too much on computer’s screen for hours makes me dizzy. But for writing essay or summary, I will definitely choose computer. Sometimes, I unconsciously make mistakes in spelling or grammar. It is really a great help when there is a red (spelling) or green (grammar) underline under a word on the screen. It reminds me that something is wrong. So, I will directly check and correct it.

  14. I think pen and computer have an equally important role as a writing tool. I use both of them everyday. I use pen to write notes, to write letters and I use computer to write long summaries, and to make table charts. But some of people think that using computer is better, and they spend hours and hours typing something on a computer instead of writing with a pen. I also think that’s normal, because there may be people think of using computer is easier, simpler, and faster rather than writing with a pen on a piece of paper, because when you type something on the computer and you get it wrong, you can erase it without leaving any black dirty spots and you will have your paper clean after you print it out. But a long time ago people use pen as a tool to write letters and books, because there wasn't a computer back then. Over the years technology has innovated and changed the habit of writing. Now typing on a computer is more common. Technology is behind it and technology is the main factor that takes role for this transformation.

  15. I am not a writer and I don’t want to be one neither. All I can contribute to this topic is my opinion from the perspective of a student. I prefer the computer as it is simply faster and otherwise I would not be able to manage all the workload demanded by the UGM. Secondly, the Word format on the computer gives the paper a much more serious appearance than the handwriting could ever reach; especially if the referring writer is not skilled in handwriting. In addition it is more environment-friendly considering all the pages that a serious writer needs for all the drafts or that a student needs for all the assignments to be handed in.
    On the other hand there is one argument that should not be left unconsidered: seeing old drafts of famous writers that are already yellowed is fascinating and gives you a feeling for history.

  16. Nowadays, usually people prefer using technology in their daily life. Including me, I prefer use computer for writing rather than pen because computer can save so many files so we can manage it easily. And using computer is more instant, because it makes our work more neatly and we don’t need much energy to use our hand for writing. Plus, we don’t have to spend much paper and ink by using computer. We use paper and ink only if we print it.
    But, besides of its practicality, there are some disadvantages of using computer. We need more electricity to operate the computer, and it takes some costs to pay the electricity. And sometimes there are some viruses that will attack the data. We have to beware of this.
    And despite of its advantages and disadvantages in using both, it all depends on our need. Sometimes there are some tasks that need to be written in the form of handwriting, there are some tasks that should be printed from computer. Sometimes we feel more efficient and effective in using one of them. But we have to be able to use both, because both are equally important nowadays.

  17. I think I can’t choose one of pen and computer. I like both of them depends on the condition. The computer is more effective, because you don’t have to face the difficulties such as erasing what you’ve write and so on. So, I prefer using computer to write for the long text like report. If I have to write it manually, I don’t know what time it will be finished, and I bet my writing will be bad because my hand is tired to write. But, even though the usage of pen is more complex than the computer, the usage of pen will give you the ‘special experience’. I found myself is more comfortable to use pen to write down the lecturer material. Just like what Jeka had said before, when we write with pen, somehow it makes me easier to think and memorize the subject. We can just easily think about many ideas and write them down within a small amount of time. That’s why I love using pen for the lecturer’s note.

  18. Pen and computer are great tools to express what we are thinking. But both of them have difference utility depend on people’s need. I like writing using pen when I need to take notes rather than typing them using computer, phone, or tablets. Because when I use pen to write, I can combine any symbol or write freely. I find it difficult when I take notes using computer. Maybe for some people, they prefer to take note using computer or laptop because they are used to. But sometimes, I can’t write cleanly when I have to make a super long essay or report. I sometimes make mistakes in writing and have to erase it using tip-ex when I already bored and tired in writing. So, I prefer to use computer when I have to write a long essay. I like using computer because I can edit my writing easily. Not only can be edited easily, but when I sit in front of computer, I can decide what I have to type and can pour my idea.

  19. Well actually the question should be, “Do we still need pen anymore?” Because I think computer is a necessity nowadays. In the end we have to do it on computer, either to print it out or just to make sure the file is saved. And personally, I still love to use pen. There's one difference between writing on computer and writing with pen: the satisfaction. I feel more satisfied when I write with my own hand using a pen.

    I don't know if you guys feel the same way, but every time I have to write an essay or a story, I would do it with pen first. Whether it's for the outline or just to get the ideas coming. I proved it so many times. When there was an assignment to write an essay, I tried to do it with my laptop straight away. But no ideas came up. Then I tried to get my pen and a piece of paper, then the ideas started to come. I don't know if it's just the right time, but it did happened for many times.

    Although sometimes, yes, I do it without the writing with pen part if I needed it to be finished soon. But when I want to give all my heart into a piece, I'll write with pen first.

  20. Pen and computer, we use both of them every day. They have same function to write something. We use pen to write in the book or paper. If we choose pen, we will get a difficulty to make a correction. If we choose computer, we will make a correction easier. Pen and computer are completely different. We can’t compare both of them. Pen is a conventional writing tool. Computer is a modern writing tool with the word program. Today, a lot of people prefer to use computer for write something. Computer provides a lot of facility for writing assignment. Computer makes it simpler. We only need to type in the keyboard and the word will appear in the screen. If we make a mistake, we just click the back space button. It’s very easy right? We can arrange the font, the paragraph, the color, or the type of the letter. So, I can’t choose pen or computer. They are very useful.

  21. Whether I prefer to write on the computer or on paper depends on what kind of writing I'm doing and for what I am going to use it. When I'm just going to take notes from the class or I'm making notes for a test, I prefer to write with pen and paper. That is because i feel i memorize it better when i'm using this method. I also like to have a book where I can keep all my notes for a specific class and I feel it's easier to read afterwards. Sometimes I get tired of reading on the computer all the time. When I make more important documents like assignments and essays, I always type on my computer. That's because it's faster to use the computer, it's easier to correct and it's easier to discover spelling mistakes. I had some problems with spelling at primary school, when I could start using the computer at school we could see a big difference in the quality of my writing.

  22. Pen or computer, another interesting article, Sir.
    For me, when I summarize the lecturer's notes, I prefer to use pen. Whenever I study, although I already got the softcopy, I always use the pen to copy the material to my book, it makes me easier re-read it. Pen also helps me whenever I write the reminder on my book. I just can't use the reminder on phone, I prefer to write it by hand.

    I use computer to make the assignment, because my handwriting is not stable. It might looks well in the first paragraph, but when it comes to the last paragraph, it looks awful. Writing on computer also make us easier to correct the mistakes we made before. I also like to write ficition stories, and I prefer to write it on the computer. (I used to write on a paper back then, but as the time goes, I usually type my stories on my PC)

  23. “Pen with paper vs Computer” both of pen with paper and computer can be used as a writing tools but they have benefits and disadvantages. But in my opinion, using computer is more simple than using pen and paper. Let me tell you how computer can be more simple that using pen and paper:
    • Using computer is faster for who like typing than writing. For example when you want to write a novel
    • The format looks more neat when you using computer than using pen and paper (when you use pen and paper, you have to make sure that your handwriting is neat and legible)
    On the other hand, the computers also have disadvantages:
    • Typing for long hours is not good for our body’ health. For example your eyes and your fingers will get tired if you typing for long hours.
    • For who can’t comfortably writing on the computer, they’ll feel in the pressure
    So which should you use? There’s no right answer to this question. Someone may feel comfortable typing in a computer and someone else will be happy with using paper and pen.


  24. The choice of whether to use a pen or a computer is a very individual one. Every writer should choose what he feels more comfortable with. Of course a computer has several advantages like easier correction and rearrangement of phrases or format changes. But as it is also mentioned in the text, there is the disadvantage of reading and skimming (or scrolling) through longer texts. For reading I personally prefer printed pages, whole books, magazines and hardcopies instead of e-books or online texts. I find it quite hard to read a longer paragraph on the screen. I know there was or still is a huge hype regarding the kindle and e-books but I still prefer “offline” books. In my opinion, it’s easier to memorize stuff and if you want to read something again, the brain automatically remembers if this paragraph was on the left or on the right page, and whether it was on the bottom or on the top. Also for university work I prefer to print out pages and work on them on my desk instead of working on them on the computer screen. As for writing, it depends on the purpose. For assignments, presentations, applications and so on I also use the computer as it looks more professional and formal. For informal things like postcards, letters or personal texts I prefer to use a pen. It shows that you put more effort and thinking in what you’re doing. Moreover, it provides an individual tone or character to your work.

  25. Pen, or computer. I think I will choose pen. Not because it’s traditional, but the feeling you get from writing with pen is different from typing in computer. But I do need to use technology, but only for sorting out passages I wrote. Writing with pen is more comfortable because we can do scratches on things we think is not proper for passages we are going to write, and point out the main ideas.

    We can also do that on the computer, but still, I think it is more convenient to use computer. Writing on computer needs energy and money, such as laptop, electricity, and storage device such as external hard disc. And also sitting in front of your computer for hours won’t be good for your health because it can damage your vision and its radiation will damage your body. Carrying laptop is heavy, too.

    Yes I admit writing with pen on a paper is not always convenient too, because the risk of losing paper is also high. But people will choose for whatever they feel is the most comfortable to them, and I think it is relative.

  26. Computer versus Pen.
    I choose to write with pen when I listen from the teacher, in the class, I can listen to the teacher and just write it down to my book. Well, maybe I have a bad handwritten, but as long as I can read it, it is no problem. It is only in my note book. I will rewrite in a good way if it is too unorganized. But in a test or assignment that I have to submit it, I will write it in a good way, as good as I could.

    For the writing assignment, I prefer to use computer than to write it with pen. If I have mistakes in writing, I will just delete and rewrite it. But if I used paper and pen, I have to change it in a new paper or just erase with tip-ex but it will make the assignment untidy.
    But, for mathematics tasks, I love using paper and pencil, because the equations are a lot, sometimes it is difficult to search the equation in the computer. We can just write it without have to search in the computer where the equation is.

  27. I have one secret hobby that I keep since Junior High School: writing. Well, it’s not a secret anymore because I write it clearly here. I love to write fictional story such as short story and novel. From my hobby I feel that I can write better using pen and paper. Unfortunately, my handwriting is bad and untidy. Most people will find it hard to write my handwriting, that’s why I really thankful for today’s technology. Beside my bad handwriting, my writing is often disorganized. I need to rearrange a lot of paragraph and changing some words or sentences for my fiction. Sometimes adding a few more sentences is also necessary, and it’s very hard to place the new sentence in paper because we can’t magically make the paper bigger. That’s why I prefer to write in computer. Like what the article said, we can make correction to our mistake(s) easier. Moreover, typing is faster than writing manually. I feel lucky to live in this era. I can’t imagine how writers long time ago make their book with writing manually. -calista-

  28. Well I think we still need those two items. Both have the same purpose, which is to write. Using computer or laptop is way much easier and faster than using pen, and we can’t argue about that. However somehow we still need pen as our tool to write also. We can say that there two types of writer these days, the first one is a book writer and the second one is online writer. Book writer is the writer that publishes their writing in book and online writer publish their writing on the Internet. But still what type of writer are you, you’re going to need a pen. Many writer uses pen to make sketches, or to make their outlines before they put in on their books. So a writer will make an outline first at a piece of paper then after they perfected it they will type it using a computer. So in my own opinion we can’t argue which one is better using pen or using computer because somehow we still needed those to items.

  29. People will have different opinions when it comes to this kind of topic. Writing with pen and on computer each has its advantages and disadvantages. Writing on computer is indeed easier and faster, technology was invented to make our life easier in the first place. That’s why when it comes to writing a long piece like reports or novels I think it’s better if we use computer instead of writing it down with pen. But then again, it’s not always good to write on computer. I agree with what the article said that the pleasure of writing on computer wouldn’t help us learn how to write properly. Writing on computer is also not good for our health. Sitting for hours in front of the screen is bad for our eyes and also our back.

    I personally think that even though it’s helpful, we have to put a limit on our dependency on using computer in writing because of all the reasons I’ve mentioned above. Take some time to write with a pen on a piece of paper, it will do a huge favor on our grammar structure, because that way we will most likely to think more before writing any words down.

  30. As the result of technology, people tend to use something practically rather than the classic one. Personally, I like hand-writing better although it seems so old-fashioned. Another reason is I feel that it can keep my mind from being distracted. Writing by hand force me to be careful and put a full attention of what am I doing. By typing in computer, things are becoming easier to manage. We can do delete and undo without have to leave any marks. Moreover, there are check-spelling and grammar facility to help us figure out our writing’s errors.

    But, many people don’t know about how worthwhile hand-writing is. I actually didn’t know either, until this EWS post made me curious and looked up some facts on Google. According to The Wall Street Journal, some physicians claim that writing by hand could engages your motor-skills, memory, and is good as an exercise to sharpen your mind. Furthermore, rewrite notes by hand is an effective way to retain information while you’re studying. It’s because putting an ink in you paper could stimulate a part of the brain called the Recticular Activating Center.

    Both style of writing provide us advantages. Now it depends on us to use which one of it or balancing them two.

  31. Pens and computers are both writing tools that are very useful. Both are important and both has basically the same purpose. Now it depends on the writer itself whether he/she prefers pen or computer. For me, it depends on the situation that I'm in, but I think computers have more advantages then pens. Its because that when we write or type using computer everything is much more easier and faster. For example, when we make mistakes like writing wrong words or letters we can simply erase it just by clicking a button, but otherwise when we use a pen we have to use external tools such as an eraser to delete the mistakes we make. Eventhough computers have more advantages, I do think that it also has disadvantages. One of them are that computers aren't as flexible as pens are. What I meant by flexible was that we can't bring computer everywhere and anytime we want, but by using a pen and a liittle piece of paper we can just put it in our pocket and take it wherever we want to.

  32. Both choices are useful for their users. But, based on my experiences, using physical paper and pen are more comfortable than using electronic devices. 4 months ago I bought a Note series tablet from a Korean manufacture. Its ability to use stylus for writing appealed me to use this product, which mean I able to write on tab as natural as write on paper, and I could save lot of paper and reduce weight. But later, I found it's more comfortable to use paper and pen. Before this, I use some phones to reduce my carried things and then I found I'm happier to use agenda books.

    No matter how far I tried to simplify my note-taking needs using technological advancement, I'll always coming back to pen and paper because its comfort. Maybe it’s easier to correct something in computer, but there's no feeling of stroking wrong words. It just not fill the feeling of writing. And the speed of typing or maybe writing on a pad could never reach the speed of writing on paper.

  33. I think that computers are invented to make our job easier and one of them is for I think that most of the people love to do their job with computers. because it’s easy, simple, no need to have an eraser, saving lot of papers, can use spelling check, and lot of useful features in there. But maybe but some of the people still uses pens to write and I’m one of them. I use pen for writing in a class or to do an exam or quiz but for writing for 150words or more I do prefer to use computer. So it depends for you to choose either to use computers or pens but you can use both of them alternately depends on you needs. One of the advantage when you use pen when you write something is you can remember what you write longer compare if you write it with computers because when you write something your brain also recorded it.

  34. I think we can’t choose between pen and computer. For me, both pen and computer are important. Especially in this era, there’s no way that we don’t use computer in our daily life. For me, pen is really useful because I can freely write, draw and make anything I want. And also, pen is easier to take anywhere. But, we need paper a lot. That’s too bad, because we will kill a lot of trees. On the other hand, computer is made to help people and make lives easier. With computer, we can type and save the file, so we can open and edit it anytime we want. And also, with the help of Internet, we can submit our tasks by sending it via e-mail. But, the negative sides are people need more electricity and also it’s a little bit heavy to bring laptop anywhere we go. And sometimes, it can cause crimes. For me, I choose pen for studying, especially math and accounting. But, I’ll choose computer to write essays, make presentation and also statistic. So, I’ll choose both pen and computer.

    1. Sorry Sir, I think it supposed to be like this : "But, I’ll choose computer to write essays, make presentations and also statistics."

  35. My opinion about this article is that we need both. Nowadays we cannot image how to live without a computer. We use the computer not only for writing papers but also for searching information, downloading, send emails, social media and so fort.

    Why do I choose to write my papers on the computer is because it is easy and fast (in Holland). Beside of that it is also useful that the computer can check your grammar. But do not become lazy of using this kind of technology. When I spell something wrong, I first think what I could have done wrong before I changed the word.

    When I am studying I prefer hardcopy books. Because like the article said, it is easier to read from a hardcopy book than from a computer screen. But I think in the future nobody will use hardcopy books anymore. For example now you have the e-reader, you can easily read books on the e-reader because it looks like a real paper. You can download the books that you want instead of buying them in a shop.

    But the pencil will never disappear is my opinion; when I don’t want to forget something, I always write it down. Because writing down by hand helps your brains to remember it better than typing it down.

  36. I think both of them have their own function that one another cannot replace. Computer are made to make things easier right? With the capability of multitasking, direct access to the internet and easy user. But in other hand, computer just cannot replace the main function of pen. Pen are created to satisfy the need of writing, express your feeling in your paper without afraid of getting shut down in middle of your work.
    When we carrying a pen and paper we don’t have to afraid about water, source of energy or else that can make the computer malfunction and else. And I think that for some people, computer just cannot replace pen. Especially for them who loves to express anything in paper. I’m considering myself as pen people, because I feel more enjoy when I’m making my own note in or doing some assignment in paper. For me writing in paper is more than usual, writing in paper can simultaneously make your brain remember what you’ve been written before.

  37. Pen and computer, I prefer to use pencil. Even though I’m not a writer, I often write down some of my ideas and also diary. For me, writing with computer is not fun. I don’t really know what the reason but I feel a bit dungeon to write in computer. Maybe I’m and old fashioned combine with others who prefer to use computer. Whenever I got an idea and try to write it on the computer, I often confused how to write it and at the end, I often lost my idea and my will to write. It never happen when I used pencil. I can develop my idea and express my feeling better. I think it’s just a matter of suggestion actually, how we prefer to write, but whatever it is, it affects me. And I can see that it happens to almost everyone. We prefer to choose one type of we want to write than the other. Whatever we choose, it is not important. The important is our will to write and developing our writing skill.

  38. Actually, I prefer to write with computer rather than writing with pen and paper because It is when I use computer, I can make my essay more neat and I can write it faster than using pen and paper. Other than that, with computer I also able to check whether my grammar is correct or not and when I make a mistake, I can correct it easily just by delete it.
    But I believe that writing with computer or pencil have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some people felt that writing with pen can give them opportunity to express their idea more rather than writing in laptop. In the other hand, writing with pen needs longer time because actually it needs longer time to write a single word in the paper rather than in the laptop. Beside of that advantages, I believe that in the future, computer will replace paper and pen because computer give us more practical way to make an essay and using too much paper can worsen the global warming.

  39. “Pen or pencil?” If you talking about technology these days, people would say that technology help daily life activities and work. Like us as college student we usually do our assignment using computer. The lecturer also use computer to teaching students and give the material. Using computer help us to make time more efficient and easy to correctable. But for people who don’t understand operating the computer it can wasting a lot of time. If we less careful, using computer can be our shortage because sometime we forget to save our work and suddenly it missing.

    I would rather choose pen to make a note or do assignment because sometimes, using computer it’s quite difficult. There is a symbol that couldn’t be write in computer. For me memorizing the course materials are easier using own handwriting rather than computer. Using handwriting also can know someone personality and it is helpful for the company who find qualified employee.

  40. Both pen and computer are tools for writing in their own way. Pen is the basic tool for writing that has been carried on through generations. Computer is a technology invented to simplify human’s tasks of writing to be more faster, simpler, and easier. For summary writing, academic notes, and lecture-related writing, I prefer pen. By manually writing what I saw or hear, it’s easier for me to internalize the subject into my mind. While in other case, if I use the computer it would be like copy pasting on what I hear or read. Sure, my notes or writing would resemble scribbles and messy, however I do fully understand my own writing while others may not, which gives me the advantage of preventing them from copying my writing. Meanwhile, for long essay writing, formal assignments, and story writing, I would rather use the computer. It would be faster and more convenient as we can edit easily, correct grammar, and it’s also ready to print. In order to keep up with the deadline, the computer is definitely the perfect tool for the job.

  41. Neither write with pen nor computer, both of them has their own advantages, so it depends on the writer. If the writer usually use pen to write their essay or assignment, they will had many problems if they writing using computer.
    And my opinion I prefer use computer to write my essay, why? I have several reasons:
    1. It is extremely easy to change anything, insert new information anywhere or re-order your paragraphs on your computer
    2. We can use computer's spell checker and grammar checker functions and it will reduce time and we easily catch any mistakes
    3. You can change font appearance (bold, italic, underline) with a couple of keyboard strokes
    4. If you can't make it in to class you can send your essay to your teacher as a file attachment, thus avoiding losing marks unnecessarily hehe (my high school experience)
    So with all the advantages it’s easier for me to write essay with computer. But to write or summarize the lecture notes, I prefer use pen, because with pen we can freely write, draw, and make any difficult symbol.

  42. Today pen and computer are being a rival, a competitive rival. Sometimes I write longhand with pen and paper, and sometimes I use my laptop. I’ve found that there are certain aspects of writing that work better with one or the other. Actually in daily basis, I use both computer and paper. I always carry paper and a pen on me so I can scribble down notes because that's easier and more convenient than bring a laptop whenever I go. I usually use paper just for important notes, then I go home and write on the computer. On the other hand, if people especially students habitually draft pieces on the computer, it’s easy to get lazy, absolutely computer make us esiaer to edit and clean on screen, we sometimes end up just deleting a few words or shifting sentences around. Honestly, I prefer wtiting by hand. I'm far more focused writing things out and can create a lyrical and meaningful santences. For me writing more appealing than punching out words on a keyboard. Which should we use? There’s no right answer to this question. Someone may feel comfortable typing for hours or someone will be happy with using pen and paper.

  43. In my opinion, using a pen and computer at the time of writing is the same thing. The difference is only on the intensity of work time and simplification of the writing. When using a computer , of course, it is much easier and faster to create an article, not merely that using a computer facilitates the work, and it is simply stored without having to repeat the work that has already been done. Then using the computer indeed simplifies the grammar checking, so when things go wrong, it can be fixed. When using the pen actually it takes quite a long time, but we can’t fully use the computer in working on a writing, who knows that there is a need to make a handwritten paper. Indeed, using the pen is somewhat more risky, not to mention that the writing is less legible and sometimes it is not understood by the reader. But we should not just leave the pen, because it will make the person more dependent on computers because it is much easier when working on a piece of their writing.

  44. I usually write on a piece of paper first. It is much easier that way, because I can write whenever I want to. I don’t have to turn on my lame laptop and wait for it to start working. I can easily forget what I was going to write, so if I didn’t write them down immediately, I could end up forgetting it. Moreover, I can easily get distracted if I am writing on my laptop. For me, the urge to open a new window or tab on Google Chrome or Safari is really big. Furthermore, my eyes can easily be tired. Having said that, I can’t write using my laptop for a long time, otherwise my head will be very dizzy.
    After I finished writing down my drafts or/and my ideas on a piece of paper, I type it on my computer and to see if there is any mistake such as grammar error or punctuation error. To make it easier I always turn the auto-spelling on.

  45. I think pen and computer both have their own function. Well technology is invented in order to make human works become easier to be done. If there is a thing that can be finished by using pen, it will also can be done using computer. For example, in doing statistics we can use both pen and computer. We can find the mean, median, modus using pen. But if we use computer to do them, it will make us easier in doing them and the time wasted is not as many as using pen. Maybe if we want to have the sketch of something or brainstorm the idea, it would be better to use pen. After the sketching and brainstorming are finished, then we can use computer to do the final touches. So for me pen and computer do not crash one to another, but they complement each other. It would be great if we can do the operations both in pen and computers.

  46. In my opinion there’s a lot things to consider that how good and bad things from usage using pen or computer. I think we all know that technology will help us to do something more easy and effective. In this era when people not has much time to do, efficiency is always needed. So computer will be a great decision to use it in this era. But if you’re scientist and you use a lot of equation which things you will pick? And if you are a architect that often drawing than write a words which things that you will pick? In my opinion I got my own conclusion that anyone can pick their own choice because anyone has different things to do. Personally, because my courses is more writing many words than drawing or counting I prefer using computer, but in class pen will be my choice because it more simple than using computer in class.

  47. Pen or computer? both of them are two different tools for writing. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Pen or pencil has been used since a long time ago as a writing tool for every generation. Personally, I like to use pencil or pen rather than computer. It gives me a sense of originality because I can express my ideas through my handwriting. I think it will be easier  to use pen or pencil to make an assignment or note too because I can write whatever I want.

    But of course, if you talk about practicality and the quickness between writing using pen or computer, I’ll say computer is the best choice. Like we can see now, computer is one of the most useful thing that helps us to make something orderly with their programmes. If we use Microsoft Office Word for example, we can write and choose the font, the paragraph, etc. So the result definitely will be neat and more presentable. That’s why people now always use computer for making any kind of official matters.

    The advancement in technology is now going fast. It will be better if we can use it to make our life easier. Although it’s not a wrong thing if you still choose to do it in a simple way. It depends on you in the end.

  48. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. While pen just need a hand and a media to write something down, computer or laptop needs an electricity or battery to do it plus the software. When writing an essay I personally love to do it via computer. Even when I am writing this comment I type what I want to say using my keyboard rather using pen to write a 150 words 4 or 5 times in 1 hour. However, if I want to do some mathematical stuff like writing a formula or finding the N or F, I prefer to do write on a white paper with my lovely pen or pencil because I feel I can work faster. What I dislike, or maybe I love, about writing on computer is it babysit you on your grammar. You may often see the red and green grass-like line in the bottom of your word(s) or sentence(s) that tells you "Hey! Your grammar is wrong, quick change it!". Often students, including me, depends on the grass-like line to correct our grammar. In my opinion it discourage students to learn and study about grammar.

  49. Pen or computer? I think booth of the tools are very useful for us to write. To think which one is more important? I think both of them are equally important for me. During the class, when we’re asked to make a summary i’d prefer to use pen since it is easy for me to write. Also, before the examination I would always summarize the materials that is going to be examined by using pen since it makes me easier to understand the materials. I’ve been doing this kind of methods since I was in Junior High School. But sometimes it’s kind of tiring when we need to write something that is very long, just like when we’re asked to do a reports. So when doing a reports I’d prefer to use the computer. The technology are invented to make people life easier, so I think computer is invented for us to lessen our burden for writing.

  50. Pen and computer? Okay, sounds interesting. I have already read your article, I am agree with your statement, that said “At any rate, when you have reached the stage of a rough outline, you may want to print it out for ease of reading. Working with the draft on paper, you can read it more easily, and see whether each passage is proportioned and positioned where it should be”. This is one of the advantage using computer in our daily life. What else? By using a computer we can reduce the use of paper. Different with pen, we must have one piece of paper to write on. But, I am not saying that computer is more eco-friendly compare to pen, because computer itself using electricity for its energy.
    I prefer the computer as my media writing assignments, in a long summaries. But, I prefer pen as my media writing my schedule and notes. Like Pandu Satryo Pangarso have already said Pen and computer have their own disadvantages and advantages. So, It is depend on us, our behaviour, and our ability to run a computer. People nowadays can choose either pen or computer for their activities.

  51. Computer is part of technology which gives us an easiness that keeps improving. I’m enjoying the easiness so much because for me I can work faster if I use computer. For the EWS comments, I always write it in Microsoft word first so that I can know how many words I’ve made. Not just for EWS comments, I also use this way to write other writing assignment. Even though sometimes the assignment is hand written, I’m still writing it first in the Microsoft, and then write it down after finish in the Microsoft word. Although it seems I work more for this way but I feel more comfortable because I can control the mistake easier. Then if I write some sentences and suddenly I want to add other sentences before the sentence I’ve made, I can write it in between easily. For me, it’s also efficient with that way because if I do hand written assignment directly (without write it in the computer first), it takes longer time to erase the errors, to count the words, and other things. But, there are still some people who enjoy doing hand written (using pen) rather than with computer. At the end it’s depend on the person itself which one is easier and more comfortable, using pen or with computer.

  52. Computer is very helpful for us to write today because it is easy to correct the mistake, neat and the writer can type it faster than write it with hand. Writing with hand also has many benefits, for me, I can memorise easily if I write with hand and from handwriting, we can learn about the writer feelings and their personality. There are lot of book about how to tell a person personality by check their handwriting style. To make personal note or for people who is creative, I think it is better to write with pen. On the other hand, if we need to write thesis, essay, or something that need more than 3 pages, write with computer it is better and easier. We cannot and lazy to check error or rewrite it again with pen and as a student I cannot deny that with computer, I can check the grammar easily. However, beside all the benefits, every person has his or her opinion about their writing style.

  53. Pen and Computer? Indeed writing with pen is better for some people which they would say "art" rather than writing using laptop. I think people who has high literature sense will prefer writing with pen than computer, maybe they find it more entertaining than writing by laptop. But I prefer using laptop because the efficiency it provide, like when we are making an essay we could easily search it on internet and open microsoft word, then do the writing by reference, not plagiarsm. Most people will choose using computer because lots of them don't have time to write down their assignment first, if they use computer, for example microsoft word it will be much easier considering it has auto-correct, different fonts, etc. People who choose writing by pen usually they do it because they like it and not in a hurry. Imagine if I have to finish a 2000 word essay in one night, that will be frustrating if i do it by pen. In my opinion, technology helps university student a lot.

  54. Well, this article really grabs my attention. To be honest, writing with a computer gives me lot of distraction. I am not a multi-tasking person; I can’t concentrate in two or more things at once. Its very hard for me to focus if I’m writing it down on a computer. I tend to get distracted by things like social medias, what music should I play, etc. As a result, I would refer the old-fashioned type of writing by using a book and a pen. In the other hand, to be able to express yourself well, writing needs an inspiration. I would prefer to write in a café, with a sip of hot chocolate in my spare time. I believe that the high technology invented should make our life easier, as for example: computer, and by using it, I probably can easily know the word count and choose the font type, colors and etc. However, for me personally, word count limits my ideas. I cannot express well and in some way make me stuck to the word count itself. As I said earlier, with tons of written assignment back in high school, my solution to this problem is by making an outline. From the outline, I make the paragraphs separately by writing in a book then combine it in the Microsoft Word. I know it somehow wastes my time but its how things work for me.

  55. Since i have the worst hand writing on earth, I will go straight to computer. I really just don't want to give a hard time to everyone, life is hard enough to live without having read my hand writing.
    The existence of computer really has saved many peoples life, because nowadays, we have to accept that people's handwriting are mostly sucks. In the older days, usually only men have one, but now, the women also have a handwriting also.
    But now that I've said it, may be the dependancy to the computer is what really makes people's handwriting getting worse overtime. People are no longer practicing a handwriting, instead they would use the computers, so their skill would get rusted.
    For people who have good handwriting, keep writing using pen and paper, and teach your children to write well. For those who have the bad handwriting, well, I'm with you, and let's do the computers.

  56. Pen and computer both of this thing have their own advantages and utility. Where pen may excel in the mobility and the computer may excel in detecting errors. In my opinion I really prefer to use pen as its small and can be used almost on every material known to mankind. I like pen because well I’m more familiar with pen than the computer in the past 14 years I’ve been using pen as my medium of writing and thus I like to write using pen. And also with pen we can make notes easily.
    In the other hand the computer is also a great tool in writing as it can makes us to minimize the human errors in writing such as wrong grammar, misspelled words or any other common human error. In my opinion computer may allow us to be more efficient but it lack in the mobility like for example if we use pen we can easily write on our readings to add notes or something but if we use computer it’s slightly harder to make simple notes and thus In my opinion I prefer to use pen rather than the computer.

  57. I think, pen and computer, both are important writing tools and very useful in our life. But both of them have some advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages of pen and computer, for example pen is not heavy, it’s easy to carry everywhere, and it’s very simple. And for the computer, it is faster than pen, more organize and orderly than the hand-writing so there’s no bad hand-writing problem, you can save what you've written and every time you need you can find the document in your computer, and it’s also possible to share or send it through the internet.

    In this modern era, people like the easiest and most simple way for and in her life. And actually computer was found and made to make human’s life easier and simpler. Usually some people, for example students, are too lazy to write notes in their book. They prefer to type with their laptop or computer rather than write notes with pen.

    I like using pen or pencil rather than using computer or laptop. Because when I write a note using pen I can make what type of note that I want (with diagrams, drawings, points, etc). And I think using pen I can remember what I write easier than using computer.

  58. I agree with ratih that pen and computer have its advantageous. In this era, there are many easy ways to do anything. There have been invented many modern things and as a human we will use them because they have advantageous. The common modern thing in this world is computer. Most of people have computer, or maybe laptop, even their children also. Personally, I prefer computer than pen for writing. There are many facilities that we could found if we use computer. For example about the grammar that we use. The computer will correct our grammar if ours is wrong. The red line means wrong word and the green line means there is an error in our grammar. Then, if we use computer for writing, we won’t have bad writing. We can choose whatever kind of fonts that we want, also we can change the colour and we can know how many words that have been written. However, mostly the elder prefer pen than computer because the pen can be brought easily and using pen is simple without charging or using electronic.

  59. “You can write only with your brain; but whether to process your thoughts with a computer or pen and paper is your first practical choice as a writer.” I personally prefer to type, because I write very slowly. And sometimes my ideas were gone because of it. If I type it first, my ideas will be safe. And we can reduce the amount of paper that we used. Like this statement said “Many people use a computer throughout, and never feel the need to print out hard copy.” It’s good for our planet earth. The trees in the forest will remain substantial and healthy. “A computer greatly accelerates editing procedures, allowing you to take a piece through far more drafts than you could otherwise. On-screen correction is so easy that people of all ages find the process relaxing, even pleasurable.” I agree with this statement. And also my lecturer said that it feels neater to just type our assignments in the laptop and print it out.
    But sometimes, my eyes can’t handle the brightness from laptop’s LCD. It makes my eyes tired very quickly. And sometimes, I draw my ideas. To think that I have to draw in laptop or computer is just inconvenient. Because, the feels are not the same if I draw with pencil or pen. Mouse or track pad are not flexible enough to do that. And then, if I wrote my ideas on paper, it would be so easy to bring it to anywhere, not like laptops that are very heavy. Last but not least, if I use laptop, it’s very tempting to just open the Internet and surfing the web or just social networking. So, I think it’s okay if sometimes we use pencil or pen to write or just type it in our laptop. Depends on the situation itself. Thank you for reading.

  60. Using pen or computer to write has their own advantages, but nowadays technology has developed. Technology makes life easier than before, including about writing. We found that, mostly university students have their own computer or laptop in order to do their assignment. However doing assignment by computer is not always faster if you faced by an assignment which calculating is needed, such as: statistic, accounting or math. If I faced by those kind of assignment I prefer to do it by pen rather than by computer, because I found that doing calculating assignment by pen is more challenging, since I have to calculate numbers by myself rather than use calculator. Another case if I faced by essay assignment, most people may be agree if typing in computer is faster than writing by pen. For the disadvantage for writing by computer is you just type, then when you finish your typing, you might not remember what you write about. The disadvantages for writing by pen is when you accidentally make a silly mistake, you have to use pen correction to correct it.
    So, both writing by pen or computer is important, because both have their advantages and function.

  61. This article compares the pen and the computer. It means that it compares the conventional and the modern way to write. Basically, the main purpose of technology is to help people to do something become easier. But, it does not mean that the modern technology always has the good effects for the users. Actually, the advantages of using the computer are :
    ~ First, it can reduce the use of paper. As we know, the trees populations are decreasing. The trees have been cut down for the human uses, for example is to make papers. If we use the pen to write, we do need paper. It means that we contribute the increase of paper uses and the logging for trees.
    ~ Second, we can easily correct the mistakes in writing. By using the computer, we can make the correction to our writing become easier because we just have to delete and re-edited our writing.
    ~ Third, computer can help us to read something easily. The handwriting sometimes difficult to read, so with computer, we can easily to read the writing and prevent the misunderstanding of perception.

    But, beside its advantages, the computer can also have the bad effects for us :
    ~ First, it is not so comfortable to read the long text in the screen.
    ~ Second, the uses of computer increase the radiation impact for its users
    ~ Third, it will be more difficult to memorize the computer font than the handwriting. It is also has the bad impact for the writers, because they make the writer forget the writing experience easily.

    In conclusion, whether we use the pen or computer for our writing, it all depends on the writer. Because the writing process is all about how they rewrite they thinking and write it down in the media. So, if they think that the conventional way is easier, they absolutely will use the pen instead of computer.

  62. The media of writing is something necessary in the activity of writing, even more in the literary writing. There are two media of writing: pen as the conventional way or computer as the modern way. The use of both of them depends on the needs of the writer, the style that the writer use, or maybe just the beliefs of the writer.
    In my opinion, using the latest technologies will absolutely help us in every way, in this case is about the writing process. Using computer is way easier and more helpful to writers; they can be used without other media besides computer or laptop, help us to know about the error, count words, or just search for other references of writing progress.
    Besides these two medias, there is a more sophisticated technology, that is tablets. One of the advantages of using tablets is about the flexibility and portability than conventional computers. By using tablets, we can write everywhere like what we can do with pen and paper, yet we also can use the technologies which is invented to help our works.

  63. Write with a pen or a computer is the right of the author, if they prefer to use a computer rather than a pen then use the computer, the computer has many advantages such as speed up the writing, simplify the process of editing, and beautify our writing, while writing pen allows us to remember what we have wrote, besides the handwriting can be checked whether it is the writer writing or not. for me to write using a computer is the better choice, because writing using a computer to help us to accomplish our work more quickly and accurately, but that with the use of computers there are many features that can help us in writing, and the last write on the computer is very helpful because we are much easier to store the results of our paper, open the file, and edit it. but the shortcomings of this technology is that some people still do not understand how to operate a computer.

  64. Pen and computer, that’s the thing that we can use to write something. What will you choose to for the tools to write? Well There are many different opinion for this question, and If I have to choose what tools that I want to use in writing, well I will choose computer. Some of the advantage of using computer is that, it is very easy and quick to write in computers, it is very simple to use. And our writing will be very neat and it is very easy for us to share with others. if we use pen and paper to write, if we want to share our writing with others, it will be more complicated rather than if we use computer. If we use computer we can share our writing in the web, from emails, or blog, etcetera . that’s my opinion about this topics I prefer computer rather than pen for the tools in writing.

  65. When I have to write long essay, I would start by listing all my ideas on a piece of paper by hand. It is easier to do it by hand rather than computer, because I can use abbreviation and make some graph, as the article mention. After writing down all the ideas I will start to type it. Writing with computer is much easier compare doing it manually. When doing it by computer you would not make any mess, also when you are using computer you can easily change the order of the sentence. There is auto-save feature in computer which can come handy when you write all night long, then fall asleep without saving your work first.
    However I would not really solely depend on using computer. Anything can happen to it, such as accidently restoring your hard disk to its original settings, hence losing all your works. When reviewing my work I always print it out, since it is easier to read and correct it. Also It can be used as your back up incase if something unexpected happened.

  66. Pen and computer are having a thing in common, that is to write. Computer is the recent technology that invited to make writing easier, like you can write easily, more tidy for the one who write in a mess like me, and you can write and do other things like multi tasking. But many people prefer write not using computer instead of using pen, pencil or even an old typing machine. Why? Because they have already wonted to write with that things, even if there are more recent technology coming, maybe they will be keep using that old stuff to write. For me, I prefer writing with computer because it's more efficient and it will help you to correct some miss spelling word or to locate the error in your writing. But if I'm in a good mood and it can affect my writing neatness, maybe I prefer to write with pen.

  67. “Pen and Computer”
    I would like to give my own opinion in this thread.
    Pen and computer are the similar writing tools but both of them still need additional tools to complete when we are using it. Such as, pen still need paper and computer still need keyboard. If you asked me to choose one of them, I think it depends on when you going to use it. For example, if you are a novelist and you want to make a draft of novel, I suggest you to use computer than writing in the paper. But if you are a student and you want to make a note, better for you to use pen and paper because when you tried to write in paper, you will be more memorize what you write than you using a computer. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages such as, if you use pencil, your hand will get tired but the advantage if you use pencil is you will be more memorize what you write. On the other side, in fact, if you sit in front of the computer in a long time, you’ll get problem with your eyes and get a kind of dizziness.
