Doctors Online
Our relationship with our doctors is changing due to new technologies. Increasingly, instead of going to visit a doctor for routine matters, you can go online, as described in a CNS News article. The big difference is that doctors can now use what is being called e-health or e-care to meet with their patients online to engage in video chats, participate in health checkups over the phone, or review the results of in-home health monitoring devices that send the data to the doctor over an Internet connection.
Doctors can even monitor and adjust the doses of medicine that patients get over the Internet. If patients have an automatic drug dispenser, a doctor can prescribe how much of what drug a patient will get and change or stop the dosage based on the information obtained from other health monitors.

The way this online health care works is that a special device is clipped onto the patient ’s skin that contains all the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Then, based on what the doctor prescribes, the device using an Internet wireless connection will adjust what it doles out to the patient. In turn, the doctor will get information on what to do for the patient through an electronic health record, which keeps track of the results from other devices measuring the patient ’s blood pressure and glucose level. Later, should the doctor want to talk to the patient, he or she can communicate through video conferencing, as well as by phone.
For example, if a patient has diabetes, the flu, or high blood pressure, the doctor can see how the patient is doing at the push of a few keys or the movement of a mouse on a screen. Then, based on this information, the doctor can decide what the patient should do and provide any prescriptions for drugs or further treatment—all electronically, of course.
This means that doctors and patients no longer have to see each other very much, because so much routine medical care can be practiced while the patient is in the comfort of his or her own home. Certainly, if necessary, this Internet medical treatment can pave the way for the patient to actually see someone by going to the doctor ’s office or to a hospital for further care aided by electronic devices for everything from reading blood pressure to taking brain scans. But otherwise, the system increasingly emphasizes getting health care from the comfort of your own home without needing to physically visit a doctor.
Ironically, this new focus on medicine is a bit like turning back the clock to the days when doctors did in-home visits, though back then they were actually there in person, whereas now these home visits are increasingly conducted via an Internet connection between the doctor in his office and the patient at home.

Though some might consider this distance between doctor and patient overly impersonal, this system has much to commend it. You don ’t have to take the time to physically go to the doctor, and you don ’t have to deal with the stress of getting there as you battle traffic pileups and bad drivers. Additionally, you might have access to the latest and greatest of electronic monitoring devices.
However, there can be a number of downsides. For example, what if you are dependent on all this electronic gear to communicate with your doctor and the power suddenly goes off? Or what if when the power comes back on again, you find that the power surge has blown the power system in your monitoring gear, much like what happens when a surge takes out a computer power supply or motherboard (which is what has happened to me when I left one of my printers on, and suddenly ZAP, during an outage in the neighborhood, the power supply went dead and has taken three months to replace). And then what if your equipment simply fails or becomes uncalibrated and gives a wrong reading?
If you ’re in a doctor ’s office, where the doctor is seeing you personally, he might realize there could be a problem if you are telling him one thing about your health while he is personally examining you which contradicts what he sees on the electronic device. This means he should do further checking. Perhaps seeing you on a video monitor might help to overcome that disturbance problem—and maybe some home equipment plugged into the monitor might be able to take your blood pressure and pulse or scan your open mouth and listen to you breathe. But if there is all this high-tech equipment between you and the doctor, maybe that could cover up some of the things that might be observed during an in-person doctor ’s visit. Not everyone may want all of that electronic medical gear in their house, and some may consider it overly expensive.
Also, this care over the Internet lacks one more important thing. Quite often medical treatment depends on the placebo effect—a very real effect that comes not from the specific pills or other treatments the doctor provides, but from simply seeing a doctor and getting his or her reassurance or from a belief that the pills or treatment will work. While some people might need that personal interaction with a trusted doctor to get that reassurance, some people might just as easily feel it and maybe even more so when they interact with a doctor over a computer screen.

So are all these changes making health care more electronic a good thing? I think the doctor is still out—or maybe the appropriate word now is offline—on that one. But the one thing that seems certain is that more and more of us will be getting our health care online and through electronic devices. And as we do, more increasingly we will need to personally see fewer doctors, which could be a good thing, if fewer doctors are available. Or then again, this new technology could lead to outsourcing medical care as well as many other jobs, so now, not only is the doctor that you see likely to be online, but outsourced to another country, too.
In any case, for the health care of the future, just turn on your computer and start the program. Wherever you are, the doctor is always in, er . . . online.
This article is very interesting. I just don’t expect that future health is very.. futuristic, I think. I am a person with low immunity and sometimes I easily get sick. But I don’t meet doctor very often except for meeting with my dentist. Well, I think those methods written above are very suitable for busy people, or for people who is very sick and need to be monitored 24 hours a day. The technology in medical world now is pretty good so we don’t need to meet doctor every day. But I prefer to meet doctor by myself because I don’t want to be monitored with a device that put under my skin. It’s just scary. But in my opinion, it’s better to meet doctor in person because not every symptom can be analyzed by doctor online. And the future health technology seems to be very expensive and not really efficient in my opinion.
ReplyDelete"This article is very interesting."
DeleteThank you very much. You get a bonus point for saying so.
This article is really something new for me. I never knew that the future technology of health will be like that. I know about the microchip which is being implanted to human as a substitute of identification card, but I never heard anything about the microchip for health.
ReplyDeleteAnd, truthfully I don’t like the use of microchip that being implanted to human’s body. It’s a bit creepy and I don’t think it’ll be safe. As far as I know, people whose body used for the research as the object to implant the substitute of identification card suffered from cancroids and other skin disease as the side effect. So, thanks God, Indonesia is still one step behind the modern country so we don’t even bother to try that in our country.
Although I’ve a weak-immunity system, I prefer go to the doctor rather than I have to implant something under my skin. I don’t want to face other disease, just to make me suffer more. Besides, even it’s more efficient, I don’t think that it will as accurate as the conventional way.
Besides positive benefits we can achieve by using high technology doctor consultancy, I also see negative sides such as by consulting through internet, it is almost impossible to handle emergency conditions, especially critical ones. It can’t also be used worldwide because there is still one third population in this world who still doesn't even know how to operate a computer or have internet connection in their homes.
ReplyDeleteCrimes can be occurred in this case also. There are wicked hackers that maybe, will disguise as doctors and deceive patients.
But there are positive things as Mr. Adrian mentioned above. With the development of technology, we can save time and money, and do things efficiently, including health treatment. But still, people think it is better for now if we still visit doctors for consulting about our health problems because Indonesia’s human resource is still far from good, and is still developing.
I personally think that there’s nothing wrong with trying something high tech, as long as it’s safe, and checked thoroughly. Traditional ways are good, but if it’s mixed with high tech, wouldn't it be better?
I also found this article to be very interesting. I really agree with Talitha on the downsides of the healthcare technology progress, especially considering the point about access to technology, computers, and internet in general. On the other hand I think it is really amazing what the future in healthcare could look like soon or does already look like. In my opinion the benefits of these technologies clearly outweigh the risks and disadvantages.
ReplyDeleteI read an interesting article in the nytimes about telemedicine not that long ago. The article described how especially small islands with strikingly diverse medical needs, but no real access to doctors or hospitals could benefit. Imagine places like Karimun or the Gilis would have access to doctors and specialists all over the world via telecommunication technology. This would not only save a lot of costs in general, but would also assure right and better treatment in many cases.
"The article described how especially small islands with strikingly diverse medical needs, but no real access to doctors or hospitals could benefit."
DeleteLet's take a look at the placement of commas in this complex sentence.
Firstly, the use of the word "especially" is a little awkward. You could use "in particular" instead and put it in a different place.
'The article described how small islands especially, with strikingly diverse medical needs but no real access to doctors or hospitals, could benefit."
Note: a comma after needs is not necessary.
I think this article is really interesting. Reading this article is like waking me up that world is getting modern. Exactly, I can’t truly accept this new technology. Just like Talitha said that crimes could be occurred. I agree with her. Because a lot of crimes now happen in the Internet. It can harm many parties. And also I agree with Melissa and Sally about implanting microchip under human’s skin. That sounds horrible to put chip under skin. Because, it’s like putting something that should not be there. I believe that some people, especially old people is not familiar with this new kind of technology. I found on Internet that putting microchip into human’s skin, can cause cancer. This is really bad. Besides, to apply this new technology need a lot of money. I believe not everybody can pay the amount. It can cause social inequality. But, there’s also positive side about this technology. Just like already mentioned that it can save time and money. But, again, everything is back to us. Some people will choose that this is the best, and some people won’t. And I will still prefer seeing doctor to the hospital or their office rather than implanting this microchip.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that the chip can help doctors treat the cancer it causes!
DeleteTechnology is always be one of the most interesting things to talk about. As we see, technologies, including health technology is growing really fast. I think the idea of “online doctor” is something which is really innovative. We can easily see the doctor just by turning on the computer and do some programs. But, almost all of technologies are pricey, they cost much. Like in this health technology, to see the doctor online, we have to connect to internet, have the excellent connection to have a in-person video chat (which costs much), and also have health monitoring devices to examine yourself. Beside the cost, the accuracy of doctor’s checking is also different between contacting the doctor physically or virtually. But, there are positive sides too, just like the efficiency of time and many other things. So, in my opinion, combining between hi-tech way and conventional way is the best way. In example, if you need to be quick, have all the devices, and can’t go outside, it’s better to contact the doctor virtually. But, if you need the accuracies of examining or can go to see the doctor physically, then go see the doctor.
ReplyDelete"As we see, technologies, including health technology is growing really fast."
DeleteThis sentence needs [1] a comma after "technology", and [2] "are growing really fast" if the subject is "technologies" (plural). Compare yours to mine:
"As we can see, technology, including medical technology, is growing fast."
In my opinion I say that doing check up by using internet is not make sense. I never believe that the device can measure correctly my body, for instance if I got stomach ache and I don't know what is causing this illness so then I ask my doctor by using internet. What probably the doctor do? Can the doctor touch our body? No absolutely, and How if the device make a mistake?
ReplyDeleteI think doing check up by using internet won't be effective. I prefer to choose normal treatment, where patient go to the doctor even though will face some bothering circumstance such as so many traffic area or crazy driver. But I think it is better rather than using internet, in my opinion come to the doctor and have a real meeting, not from internet like video call, will result in precisely assumption.
I say precisely assumption because I often come to see a doctor when I got sick and commonly they can not really say what exactly my illness, they just make an assumption then they try to prevent the worse thing that will happen to me. So this is clear I do not prefer to choose internet check up because the real meeting just can not really know exactly my illness, then how come internet check up can do better?
"But I think it is better rather than using internet, in my opinion come to the doctor and have a real meeting, not from internet like video call, will result in precisely assumption."
Delete"I think" and "in my opinion" mean the same thing.
Here is my version:
"In my opinion, going to the doctor and having a real meeting is better than using the internet to make a video call." Short and sweet!
The reason I left out the bit about "[it] will result in precisely assumption" is because I don't understand what you mean!
Okay sir thank you to correcting my sentences. Sometimes when posing a comment I didn't read it again, so I just type what in my mind, so it is easly to mistaken. Okay than I will do better for my next comment
DeleteI found it might be a little bit dangerous if we consult our health problems to the online doctor. As we know, nowadays there are many internet crime which is jeopardizing us with their threat such as deception etc. Eventhough it would make us easier to consult our health problems to the doctor without getting stucked in a traffic jam as we go to the hospital, but it still could be dangerous. There has to be some credible websites,blogs,or forums of trustworthy community of the doctors who serve about online health problems consulting if they really want to apply the online consulting service. But, if we still can make it in time, it would be better if we go to the doctor by person. It is quite more safe than consulting to the online doctors who we haven’t know whether if they are trustworthy or not. It is possible for us to be deceived by the fake online doctors by suggesting us to buy their fake medicines.
ReplyDeleteIn this modern era, everything can happen due to the rapid growth of technology. I think the future medical world probably can occur like the article has told us. The high technology implemented to medical world would be very innovative and helpful.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think it would not be successful for all people. It might be some people can be helped using this method. Someone said that the reason why a person can relieve from illness is the belief that the medicine can help him to be healthy again. The sense of belief is the one that is difficult to be found in the futuristic method of health. People can’t easily get the trust to go to the “online doctor” compared to believe to go to the conventional way of medical treatment. For instance, my mother will prefer bring her children to real doctor than go to the online doctor, that’s because today common people believe in that. But, we don’t know what will happen in the future. It might be a lot of people more open-minded to accept this kind of medical treatment.
I kind of expect something like that would happen in the future of medical treatment. Unfortunately, I don't think this so-called e-treatment stuffs are effective in every way. Indeed, they are really convenient for you if you have a minor injury or when you're feeling under the weather, but not with some major complexion which need more thorough check-up.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with the statement that this electronic medical treatment is not always correct, and the expanding dependency in this technology. I believe that this e-treatment need to be calibrated daily, or at least weekly, and I think it will cost a lot more than having yourself go to the doctor himself. Even though you've calibrated it, there's no evidence that it won't go wrong in the middle causing mistakes.
The thing that is the most important is the feeling of safety and confidence, as stated on the article. People who had met the doctor usually got this feeling of confidence that they would be cured if they follow the doctor’s instruction, causing a better recovery. I would say that this kind of feat would be hard for this technology to obtain.
I thinks future technology for health is very interesting yet questionable. It is inedeed can ease our health needs because we can just sit relax in home turn on your computer and consult with your doctor without have to go to the hospital and it may reduce your expenses because you don’t need to pay for extra gasoline to go to the hospital. The question is. Is this method effective? I mean how the doctor can examine the patient? If there is some sort of microchip like sally said, can the doctor guarantee that is 100% accurate ? and besides interaction between doctor and patient is part of the medical treatment to relaxed the patient, what if the patient get very nervous and the doctor who record in the other side of the world cannot see the condition and record the condition of the patient right away without knowing the exact condition of the patient? There will be a miscalculation on recording the blood persure for example. Because this is internet based, there will be a change of fake doctor scam or any other scam that might come up to the surface
ReplyDeleteThis idea is brilliant I think. But we need more advance, more sophicsticated, more futuristic technology to make this technology , a hologram maybe? Or a wireless robot? There is still many possibilities . so just take the time until the world is ready for this.
-Bintang (350127)
I understand that the whole e-health idea is to allow innovation with as little cost to the patient as possible. The article mentioned about patients having an automatic drug dispenser, which would be very expensive and not everyone can own this machine at home. This reminds me of a movie called Elysium, where the super-wealthy owns a health care machine that can scan their illness and cure any kind of sickness. Resulting jealousy between social classes and causing crime to occur.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of technology can’t be placed in developing countries where the majority are poor people. It will definitely cause social inequality. Probably the government will establish a program for less fortunate people to have a taste in this e-care system. But it would cost a fortune.
With the uprising of new technology, we should understand it’s advantages, disadvantages and it’s impact. It would not only be easier for patients to consultate with doctors from the comfort of their home, but it will also cut down the spread of viruses. On the downside, errors in the system could easily occur. Therefor, the company that initiated this program should test the possible errors before the public could safely benefit from it.
Same with Tsamara has said, this article reminds me of a movie called Elysium. When I saw that movie, I imagined how life will be easier if that health care machine could really exist. At that time, I though the bad effect was only there will be too many people in the world, because everybody’s sickness could be cured, so nobody will die or at least number of people who die will be more decrease. But when I read this article, I found there will be more bad effects caused by the presence of this e-health innovation.
ReplyDeleteOut of all the ease and comfort that given by this e-health, not only it will create jealousy between social classes like Tsamara has mentioned, but also it will decrease the number of labor in the world. All of this time, health is one of the source of job with high number. When we sick then go to the hospital, many people involved during the process that begin when we come to see the doctor until go home and bring medicine. Not only doctor and nurses who involved, but also there are hospital’s officers, drugstore’s officer, labor in the company of the medicine that we bought, and many more people. With this e-health presence, imagine how many people will lose their job because every work that used to be done by them will be done by machines.
I can agree with the others that this article is really interesting but for me the possible development in the future does also somehow appear scary. The doctors can adjust the doses of medicine that a patient gets over the Internet? In my opinion there is a lot of space for manipulation and I would not feel very secure using this kind of technology, although it may for sure facilitate the life of many patients. I think everyone has to decide for himself if he wants to use this kind of technology of the future depending on the kind of desease and the costs that may come along with buying all these electronic devices. This new technology can never replace a personal meeting with the doctor, that gives you most often the feeling that you are literally in good hands and that everything will be good again but it may be a good development for patients, who suffer under life-long deseases such as diabetes, to spend less time at the doctor and more time enjoying their life.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Talitha has been said. I think technology offers a new kind of treatment which is more efficient. It will save our time and money by using this service, but we should consider the negative things that will be caused by this health consultation online. How can doctors mention their patients’ disease by checking up their condition via online? I think microchip won’t be effective either. Because you shouldn’t put something that doesn’t belong to the body. It may be possible that the microchip will distract the organs’ functions to work. Besides that, the emergence of health consultation online may occur the crimes online too such as hackers, scamming, etc.
ReplyDeleteDespite of the negative effects, it offers the good things too. We can save our money and time. As we know in Indonesia, queuing to a doctor take so much time and sometimes the doctor available in certain hours. But overall, health consultation online is something questionable and should have to be considered more.
I found that this article is uniquely interesting to discuss. I never think that the future health can be done that way before. And I don’t think that this new technology will work as well as if us seeing doctor in person. The microchip is mostly expensive for certain. Not every person or family can buy it, and even tough machine is more accurately in reading the blood pressure or diabetes, it still can make mistakes. If we don’t use it properly or by some mistakes, it got damaged, the result will be different or even wrong at all. And not all of us have the knowledge about those gears so the chances of doing mistakes or make it broken are even higher. Not to mention the cost to have an online conference. For me, it’s better if we see doctor in person than doing an online check up because when we see doctor in person, they can examine our illness more accurate.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, efficient cost and time doesn't always produce effective product. In this case, health. Health is connected directly to the human's life, so we should find the doctor directly if we get sick. Also, there are so many doctors nowadays spread in almost every place. Not only the conventional doctors but also traditional doctors such as dukun or something else. Moreover, not everybody around the world has connected with the internet and electricity, so this kind of cure is very hard to be applied. There will be such a discrepancy between the rich and the poor. And then, direct cure isn’t always accurate. What about online cure? It will be more inaccurate, isn’t it? And online service is not always trusted. There are so many crimes inside the internet. So, instead of using untrusted service, why don’t we face direct service that obviously in front of our head? Curing needs obvious explanation, so I think we need real people and real service to solve our health problem.
ReplyDeleteTechnology always improve from day to day including health technology. But I never imagined this activity is apply in medical situation. Maybe it is helping the patient in managing time more efficient because the patients don’t have to see the doctor in person. To see the doctor using the online media also can save a lot of gas because we don’t need to travel. Another advantage is when the doctor put chip in our body is they can monitoring us 24 hours a day. But this kind of technology is very scray and a bit of risky sometime, because there is something inside our body.
ReplyDeleteI think to see doctor not in person is not comfortable for me, because we can’t discuss our disease privately and maybe, using online media make us can’t understand what the doctor says more clearly so we should seeing the doctor directly. How about the internet connection? Sometime our internet connection is not good so it can interrupt our consulting with the doctor. In conclusion this kind of technology is not good for us because it can make us addicted to the cyberspace. In the present, crime in virtual world is increasing, so it is very danger for our safety
I know that technology will always progress but I honestly do not know about the e-health or e-care. That’s totally something new for me. I was surprised that the new technology like that already exist.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, e-health or e-care is something you really need in nowaday, especially in the city like Jakarta, Surabaya, etc. There are a lot of busy people in the city so sometimes they don’t really have time to go visit the doctor whereas they really need to check their health. With this e-health , it will make the busy people easier to talk and check their health to the doctor. In the big city, when we want to go to the hospital or doctor’s office, we have to struggle with traffics. That problem sometimes makes some people lose their desire to go to the doctor. So actually this e-health has big impact.
Well, e-health doesn’t only have advantages in big city. In some small cities, they have lack of hospital or doctors. They have to go to the big city just for visiting the doctors or go to the hospital. With e-health , they just have to go online and they can meet the doctors.
I totally love this new technology. It’s really important to be applied. When the era grows up, technology should also be growing up.
Well, this article is really catchy. This is my first time knowing that there is “an online doctor”, but I am not too surprised because of this is modern era. Everybody has the gadget and everything is online, even doctor can be online as well.
ReplyDeleteFrankly speaking, I prefer seeing the doctor directly to skype-ing or video call or something online. I think that it will make me more curious because of I would think whether if the doctor understand or not. And I know if sometimes, if we just send the e-mail to the doctor’s mail, the one who reply is the secretary or the nurse, not the doctor itself. In my opinion, the doctor is still busy with other patients who come to see him.
Maybe, it will be very useful if the doctor is not in the same town. I have the story about my grandfather. He usually check-up at Singapore hospital, but one day he got an accident and he is in Indonesia. He directly went to Singapore and the doctor said that there was no problem. After went back to Jogja, he felt something unconfident in his body and go to the Indonesian doctor. The doctor said that there was a big problem and he gave the medicines to my grandpa. Several days after that, there were the blue spots all over his leg. My mom asked my grandma, what medicine the doctor gave to him. Then my mom sent e-mail the Singapore doctor about the medicine. Then, after a moment, the doctor answered that there was a medicine for fungi. The fact was, my grandpa didn’t have the fungi(jamuran) in his body. So it was like a mall practice. In this case, the e-mail or the online media is really useful.
But, if the doctor is in the same town with me, I choose to see the doctor then have to send him an e-mail or video call. I will feel more confident and I don’t have to doubt it.
In this global era, everything goes online. Shopping, learning languages, consulting the building's design, everything just needs a simple click, and now, there's doctors online. These online activities actually help us to shorten the distance and time, and we can save the transportation fee, but if it's about health problem, I'm not really sure that I'm willing to trust my condition to the doctors online fully, because health problem is really important for me
ReplyDeleteTake it as an example, we have a disease and we ask the doctors online for the prescription. The doctors give it without check whether we have allergy to the medicines or not. Isn't it too risky? My friend lost his father beause of the wrong-given medicines by the doctor in the hospital. Then what about doctors online? It could be worse.
There are some free doctors online but they usually tell the patients to check their condition to the nearest hospital, because the doctors in the hospital or clinic can check the real condition of the patients, for example, the temperature or the blood pressure. It's safer, I think.
Just like some other students, I had never hear anything about e-health before. Technology has provided many alternatives in our life. Things are becoming easier to reach. Medication is not an exception. There are positive and negative sides regarding online doctors. I think the benefit we can get from e-health is that we don’t need to cost more money for transportation to get to the doctor. We can easily just turn our computer on and see the doctor by online. The thing is, the developing country like Indonesia will generally hard to pursue it since the internet server here is not really good. It must be wouldn’t work properly for the need of an urgent medication. E-health may works more effective for a medical check up, consultation or other common problem that’s not severe. In addition, I believe it can succesfully applied in certain cities that have good internet access. We might need to propose the government for a national wireless connection. Thus, the rural regions with less doctors and infrastructure access will be able to find doctors easier. Some of them from the small village may even don’t need to take a long way to the city anymore.
ReplyDeleteIn the future, we won’t need to come to the doctor. If we get sick, we will use internet to find our illness. This article gives the information about an advantage of internet to solve your health problem. We only need to turn on the computer, choose the doctor in e-health, and make video call to ask our illness. It will make our life easier. We just stay at home and we will get an instruction from the doctor. The doctor will gave the prescription and monitor our health. This service gives two effects, good and bad. How about severe illness? If the patient has a severe illness such as cancer or tumor, they won’t get a proper treatment from e-health. This kind of patient must take a special treatment with the doctor in the hospital. They must get chemotherapy. If they use e-health, they will get this therapy from their computer? That’s impossible. I will mention another problem. How to use e-health if the patient doesn’t have a computer and internet? If the patient lives in a remote area, they won’t have a health access. So, we must find another way to improve our health service.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of doctors online is just lovely. Every time you feel something odd with you just need to go online and tell the doctor. You do not need to go to the doctor for the advice, because that is just uncomfortable. And also the advantage of doctors online is that general practitioners don’t need to have their own practice place.
ReplyDeleteBut of course, the thing about doctors online can not be applied for severe illness (i.e. cancer, tumor, Alzheimer, etc.). Because such severe illness need a proper treatment and a real doctor to watch over them.
I do not think this doctors online can be applied to Indonesians, because frankly speaking, even though it is modern era the majority of Indonesians does not have internet connection. And also it is more convincing for us to see the doctor ourselves, because mentioning the symptoms via online without the doctor using the stethoscope is just………..not convincing.
The sophisticated technology nowadays has help us solve many problems, one of them include the problem with health service. I personally think that health care is still poor especially in Indonesia, the quality of service given is not satisfying, yet many people need to queue for hours to get themselves treated by the doctor. Other than that, the dose of medicine given is sometime unsuitable, or given without precaution. Thus, I think having a major improvement on health care is a significant step towards the better future.
ReplyDeleteEven though I said so, improvement like that requires commitment which Indonesian people might not be ready yet. What I mean by this is that some Indonesians are used to fake facts to make their life a whole lot easier. On the other hand, Indonesia is also not ready to support the required internet connection for the patients to consult to the doctor via video call. In addition to that, some poorer people in Indonesia cannot yet afford a computer or laptop. In conclusion for that, I think Indonesia need to improve their direct consultation before advancing even more.
I didn’t know that there is such thing as online doctors until I read this article. I was a bit surprised to be honest because I couldn’t imagine consulting with your doctor on a video call. But it’s actually really good because we don’t have to waste too much time on visiting the doctor especially in the middle of our busy schedule. I find it to be really efficient and helpful.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, I personally think that consulting with your doctor through a video call will not be as accurate than consulting in person. There will be these boundaries if we do it on a video call. There will also be a possibility that the doctor will miss something that could’ve been identified in direct examination, or worse, he could make a mistake in examining us.
It’s okay to consult with your doctor online for once in a while for light complains. But if our disease is quiet severe it’s way better to see the doctor in person so that he can fully identify our disease.
Nowadays there are still a lot of people that can't afford to pay the doctors fee, so there are many health insurance and government facility to help them pay when they are sick. As we can see a lot of people can't pay to the hospital, how about the article that says this machine will be implemented in the future? Of course not everyone can enjoy the benefit of this technology; only the rich can afford to enjoy these facilities. There will be a lot of problems too, like many errors on this microchips can occur and an automatic drug dispenser is surely expensive. microchips are complicated, if one errors occurred, it will affect the whole thing, and it will be expansive to replace the new one. Overall I think that this brand new technology is too much for everyone, because there will always be the rich and the poor.
ReplyDeleteThis article talks about how advancement in technology can change our basic life activity such as seeking medical consultation. This modernization is known as eCare or eHealth in which the patient can consult their doctor via the phone and doctor can monitor their patient’s state of health through the Internet. The article mentioned a few downside of this system such as loss of personal touch or miscommunication problem where some words could not heard properly leading to wrong medication, which may endanger the patient’s health. However, I think we have to consider the amount of time and money, which can be saved with this system. There will no longer be time lag whenever a patient is late for an appointment allowing the doctors to serve more patient in a day. Moreover customers can save money on transportation and since they would not use facilities such as waiting room, their medical fee might also be reduced. In conclusion, I feel that this system is very well thought and should be implemented, as it will increase efficiency.
ReplyDeleteUnlike a few of my colleagues, reading this article about E-Health and E-Care isn’t something totally new to me. I first encountered this topic while I was looking for some “material” on the internet. The material wasn’t free of charge and needed all sorts of requirements: one being, to fill out a survey.
ReplyDeleteAs you would expect the survey was about E-health, and our opinions toward it. It asked questions with the answers ranging from strongly agree – strongly disagree about the technical and social aspects of the soon to be developed E-Health.
I didn’t answer all the questions seriously of course, because all I wanted was the material, but this fact didn’t stop me from reading the questions and getting the main Idea of the advantages and disadvantages of E-health (How could I not, the survey was 30 minutes long).
After a while I got curios about E-Health (but in a bad way), as a pessimistic I looked for the flaws of E-health first. The first thing I thought of was the fact that E-health breaches our barrier of personal information, In this age and time the fact that companies around the world buy and sell information about us is in fact happening as we speak. Then to add the fact that this new technology called E-health is going to be giving them more information about us just makes me more insecure.
From what I know, this kind of project needs an enormous amount of funding, and who else would fund it if not the huge companies of the world. I’m just paranoid of the fact that in the future e-health is just going to be another advertising or tool for companies to gather more information on their potential buyers, like what’s happening nowadays on the Internet.
(PS: Nothing formal, but could anyone help me out and try to make a debate about this. I’m running short on time and ideas in making more blogs. Thanks)
Wow this is a very new information for me. I just found out that there's an eHealth and eCare. That's just so cool. But I do agree with what Chyntia said that online doctors can't be applied in Indonesia. Well maybe just a very very tiny possibility. Not only because Indonesian people will not be convinced, but also it will be way too expensive. To buy the chip it self will cost too much. Moreover with the internet connection in Indonesia that's still low. I'm not sure that we will feel comfortable not to see the doctor's face just because of the bad connection.
ReplyDeleteAnd the idea of implanting a chip under my skin is still too scary (and also too expensive) for me. I would prefer seeing the doctor face to face. Well maybe if it's just a cold or cough then the online doctor idea might be more considerable. But when it comes to serious illness, then I think most people would prefer going straight to the hospital.
Well let's just hope this is a start for something better. Who knows that from this they can find a cure for cancer. Amen
I still can’t believe how technology is developing so quickly nowadays, and to be honest this is actually my first time hearing about this e-health, which I found really interesting. After reading the whole article, there are definitely some ups and downs regarding this e-health or e-care.
ReplyDeleteOn the positive side, it would be easier to consult with our doctor and would also be monitored by the devices probably 24/7. We wouldn’t have to spend time on the road to and back from the hospital. We would also be able to consult with our doctor everyday; they would also be able to check our conditions every day. And we would still have the comfort of staying at home.
But the negative side is that the devices would most likely be pretty expensive, thus richer people would be those who could undergo e-health. Another bad thing is that electronics could suddenly shut down or break down, that would be very crucial especially if it was during a critical situation.
Well I myself would still prefer to avoid e-health technologies and go to the doctors in person.
For this article I see it queit interesting and strange. Its the first time I knew that now people could check up by using internet. Its amazing but for me its just a little akward. Even if e-health or e-care makes it more easier I still prefer to go to the doctor and talk face to face rather than to check up through the internet. Its not really convincing me yet because devices could make mistakes and some other problems are e-health records are associated with their costs, as they are quite expensive to implement. My opinion is that the designers have to consider the needs of users may be unwilling or unable to adapt to new technology, as they may find it difficult to navigate their way through the software. This also means that the systems being used must be user friendly otherwise they will not be easily accepted.
ReplyDeleteThe article is very interesting, we see how technology has developed in any aspects, include the health technology. By reading the article I know that nowadays there is a technology that called e-health. The kinds of treatment that enable a patient do the check up without seeing the doctor, it means the prescription is will be transferred to the patient in order to buy a drugs. Then the article says about a microchip that implanted in human body, it sounds creepy and I don’t think that it safe to us. However, in my opinion the e-health technology is not always be a choice by the patient, we just use it to check up the light disease, such as: cough, fever, dizziness, etc. What if the patient has a sever disease, of course it must be handled directly by the doctor, not just by seeing the e-health.
ReplyDeleteThe developed of the technology must be brings the positive and negative impact, to respond it we should be selective to choose whether it is good or bad. Be wise to respond the developed of technology.
What I would find it interesting is on whom you might actually meet using this system. Little did people know, it won’t be a human that replied to your queries, but rather automated systems that give out diagnosis to the patients! While this situation won’t happen in the short term, there’s nothing stopping them to put in place the doctors as robots instead, especially since you won’t really meet the doctors face to face anyway.
ReplyDeleteRegardless whether you’ll see real human doctors or robots, the fact that it utilizes the Internet as the medium of consultation puts some concern on the validity of the results. Internet is filled with fake promises and frauds, and when the slightest technical errors occur, it may put lives at stake. Also, if mistreatments do happen and that there are unwanted ‘side effects’, if the patient has not consulted with the doctor in real time before using the Internet to communicate with each other, there would be no one that can be held responsible, increasing the suffering of the patient.
This is my first time reading about this kind of case and I’m so surprised to know about it. The advancement in technology is incredibly going fast right now, especially in the term of internet users. People use internet to support their business, hobbies, socializing, and now even the doctors can be found online. I never tried it though, because I just heard about it. But in my opinion, this case has a negative and also positive sides. We can’t only depend on everyone in the internet. Although they offer an easier way to communicate with the doctor, we can’t forget about those people who don’t even have the ability to own this technology. In Indonesia, many poor people need a health care but they can’t go to the hospital because they can’t pay the bill. They can’t use the online doctor service either. The other point is we can talk with the doctor, but we’re not phisically face to face with him or her. Like what the article said, if we meet the doctor personally, he or she can be able to examine us and the result will be more accurate.
ReplyDeleteThere are also a positive side, of course. People who are busy will feel more relieved to know that they can easily communicate with the doctor without wasting their time to go to the hospital or health clinic. They will find this service as a good alternative. After all, people need to maintain their health but they tend to have no time for that. With this online service, as long as they have laptop or pc and internet connection, they can do consultation everywhere.
Thanks to advancement of technology, we can almost do things that most people considered to be impossible in the past. Not only that things could be done will less redundancy now. Thus, making it more efficient and accurate, with less room for any possible mistakes.
ReplyDeleteI have once read an article, where a patient data are scanned into a capsule and injected to the patient’s body. One of its main functions is to store patience’s medical history. It uses some kind of battery to power its self, so it could last for decades. It made from special materials so it will not rust inside the body.
If something were to happen to the patent to the patient doctors only need to scan the capsule in his body and all his medical history will be shown up on the monitor. So doctors could take the most appropriate actions to help the patient. Thus, doctors will made less mistake when treating the patient.
I was so surprised reading that article. I never thought before about the medical online because I think the doctor need to meet up the patient to know the symptoms so that the doctor can diagnose the disease and give the prescription. In my opinion, it has the positive and negative side. For the busy people, especially who need more checkups for their health; it might be useful because they don’t need to meet the doctor, just go online for it. However, maybe the diagnoses could be wrong or not accurate. For example the patient said that he fells not good, dizzy or other symptom like typhoid and it turns out to dengue fever. The impact would be worst because dengue fever is dangerous and the patient needs to be hospitalized because the thrombocyte will be getting down very fast. So in my opinion, the result or the diagnoses of the disease is not really accurate than if the patient meet the doctor.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t know that there is such thing as online doctors until I read this article. The technologies that are available in the 21 century really does makes a lot of lives easier. We only need to turn on the computer, choose the doctor in e-health, and make video call to ask our illness. I think the benefit we can get from e-health is that we don’t need to cost more money for transportation to get to the doctor. We can easily just turn our computer on and see the doctor by online. The thing is, the developing country like Indonesia will generally hard to pursue it since the internet server here is not really good. So, e-health is good for us as long as we have a good internet conection. And clearly we can’t always depend on this e-health. Seeing a doctor personally is still needed.
ReplyDeleteAs I said before technologies will help us improve our quality of life but in this case I agree if the technologies help us with our health problems but I think it’s more to find the disease and to decide what medicine that will help to cure the disease. But for e-doctor I don’t think it’s necessary because internet now it’s not safe enough to consult a confidential issues like health or disease maybe the doctor will miss judge the disease because they can’t see your physical body and what is that disturbing your health and they cant miss judge about the right medicine to cure your health problem. So I think a good doctor have to see the condition of the patients face to face first the judge what is the best ways to help the patient rather than only look from the devices. But if the technologies in health are use to find a new medicine to cure cancer or another disease I do support this way.
ReplyDeleteThis article makes me remember of the film „After Earth“, I watched a couple of time ago. In this movie, the son of Will Smith is playing a young soldier surviving on the foreign planet earth, and he has a device on his arm that tells him his current health status. This movie seems to become real life even sooner than we all might expect. I think this offers great abilities. For example, if someone is travelling to an undeveloped, urban area, where medical infrastructure is rare, he or she can detect potential health problems and return earlier. On the other hand, there are rumors that rays emitted by a device might cause cancer. This might contradict the original idea. But since these measures and devices are still being developed, the doctors need to make sure that they deliver the exact information and need to check it up by the traditional visit.
ReplyDeleteThis article is really interesting and really something new for me. I've just known there is doctor online such as e-health or e-care. I was a bit surprised and I couldn't imagine consulting with your doctor on a video call, checking up over the phone, and the doctor reviewing the results of in-home health monitoring devices that send the data to the doctor over an Internet connection. I couldn't imagine how the doctors can even monitor and adjust the doses of medicine that patients get over the Internet. And I was very surprised when I read the way this online health care works is that a special device is clipped onto the patient’s skin that contains all the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Because I think it is very scary and I don’t think it’s comfortable if something was clipped onto our skin haha. But for me, the thought about e-health is very interesting and futuristic. But maybe some people wouldn't accept the new method of health care because of many parts in our life: economic, social, culture, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt is funny to know that technology already come this far. All i know about going to doctor is visiting the hospital, register your data, take the queue number, waiting, waiting, go inside the examination room, examination conducted, knowing the result, get out from the room, register your medicine at the pharmacy, patiently waiting, take the medicine and done. I just know that there's a video call doctor from reading this article. what will happen if someone consulting to the doctor while he/ she on public places or public transportation due their busy daily activities and the funniest thing in my mind right now is what will happen if the patient consulting to their gynecologist and suddenly there's a Skype video call from someone. Bear in mind that even though technology gave us advantages which make our life easier, there's always some error made by human and there will always someone who commit crimes on the internet (such as pervert who claim himself as a doctor).
ReplyDeleteGetting online medical care provides advantages and disadvantages. The number of population in this world is getting higher and higher very fast, meanwhile the number of doctors exist doesn’t come up with the population’s growing. This could mean that with online doctor visit, it could save a lot of time rather than seeing the doctor in person. Also, many people now don’t really care about their health anymore, and they only go to see a doctor if they really feel very sick. By the time they see the doctor, their diseases are already worse and it’s too late to reverse the condition. So online medical care is a good choice to maintain people’s health.
ReplyDeleteBut on the other side, there are also disadvantages of online medical care. One thing that I’ve learned before, a doctor should perform a physical examination on the patient and ask the patient some questions to form a diagnosis. In this case, with online medical check, the doctor still can ask questions but without doing a physical exam. Therefore, the doctor can’t examine the patient properly, which could lead to a wrong diagnosis, wrong prescription given and even worse, death.
Well, talking about health seems to be a serious matter since health cannot be bought by anything. Doctors? They're just like monkey wrench for a broken motorbike. They're just fixing it temporarily. But that's why doctors are also essential in everybody's life. Once we're sick, well look for doctors like we're looking for the sun in the night. That's why after reading this article which states 'doctor online' at the first headline, I feel like every sick people, no matter where they are, has chances to be cured and to be normal again. Even though it is expensive, or sometimes inefficient, we'll never think twice to look for these 'on line doctors' if we or someone to close to us sick. In my opinion, this development should not stop here. Doctors need to find a more efficient way for patient so they can get any kinds of treatment in a more efficient, dynamic, and less time consuming ways.
ReplyDeleteI think the idea of online doctors have both positive and negative sides. In the positive side, it is indeed really convenient for patients that live far from the hospital, so they don’t have to drive for miles to get to the hospital, or for patients that only infected with common sicknesses like flu, diarrhea, or fever. It does also have a positive side for elderly and patients with severe illness like stroke, cancer, and etc. There are several hospitals that very crowded, it’s very uncomfortable for patients that need rest, however, if they use online doctors, they can rest in their home comfortably. It can reduce the budget for transport and time. And it can advice our technology too.
ReplyDeleteHowever, in the negative side, hospitals could be bankrupt, because people can easily access online doctors from their home. We have to think about the emergency unit too; of course it can’t be access online. And not everybody can be online every time, especially if the pulse expired and the signal is out of service. And if the special device error or hacked, it will be very dangerous for the patient. I agree with these statements “Not everyone may want all of that electronic medical gear in their house, and some may consider it overly expensive.” We have to consider the price too. I think it would be very expensive with all those high technology devices. “Quite often medical treatment depends on the placebo effect—a very real effect that comes not from the specific pills or other treatments the doctor provides, but from simply seeing a doctor and getting his or her reassurance or from a belief that the pills or treatment will work.” I think, I rather go to hospital and actually see the doctors than chat or make video call with them. Thank you for reading.
For the mean time I will disagree with this article as there are so many flaws in this kind of treatment even though it also has some advantages.
ReplyDeleteThe advantages in using the online doctor service is that we can easily contact the doctor right away when we’re sick and we also doesn’t need to go to the hospitals which may take some time to get there. All in all the advantages of this new method is the simplicity but there are a lot of disadvantages.
The disadvantages are the doctor cannot see if there are any computers error since the doctor can’t actually see or feel the patient properly, what if it’s an emergency matter we can’t expect that patient to use that device while the patient is dying, and yes what happen if there is an electrical shutdown? Will the device got restarted? And lastly do you expect the doctor to be online 24hour a day? It’s simply not possible for the doctor to be online 24hour a day.
Getting online medical treatment? I think I didn’t really need it. I didn’t even go to doctor when I am sick. A lot of doctors already treat my illness, but until now, there is no one that can cure it. From here on, I didn’t really like to go to doctor. I also have a lot of problem regarding medical cases in Yogyakarta. Slow treatment for my uncle that make him die. Wrong medicine for my grandmother that makes her lost her kidney. Wrong treatment for my grandfather that give him incurable illness. A lot of trouble already experienced by me regarding medical issue. So I personally didn’t trust doctor anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhen I am sick, or my illness relapse. I rather go to some local shaman instead of go to doctor. It effectively cure me until now than what the doctor do with me. Although my illness didn’t cured yet until now, at least I can get some trustworthy source of healing.
And regarding this article. I didn’t even trust the real doctor, how I must trust something that even I can’t look at it?
I agree with the implementation of electronic devices inside our body to check about the condition of our body such as glucose level, blood pressure, etc because this things will make life easier. As we see now that if we want to check our condition, we need to go to the hospital and they should take some of our blood using an injection which is hurt. With this technology, I think doctor and the person who used this devices can control what they need to stabilize his health. But in the other hand, I disagree if this device the meeting between doctor and patient in the real life because I think, this devices isn’t enough for a doctor to understand about what’s going on inside our body. There are a lot of thing other than a blood that exist inside our body. And I think, if doctor put too many devices inside human body, it will produce a lot of radiation which is also not good for our body.
ReplyDeleteSo this is how far modern technology in health has become now, I think this kind of methof in examining patients is not too accurate. The doctor meet the patient only by monitors, it’s not safe enough if it turns out that someone has a fatal disease and the doctor miss that. Indeed it is said in the article that the doctor will put some machine on the skin which helps the doctor to know patient’s condition online. But not all machine worked perfectly, some of them glitch. What if someone who is too sick and can’t go to a doctor, she/he chooses to see the doctor online instead of having the doctor to go to her/his house. When the online examination occurs and the machine have a glitch, the doctor could miss one fatal disease that the patient has. I think this kind of examination method is too risky and dangerous to be applied for people who has fatal disease, one more example; if the patient has bad internet connection and can’t hear clearly what the doctor says she/he could die because of that.
ReplyDeleteAs time goes by and new inventions are being released, this kind of thing might not be a new thing. I believe, for the next 10 years, we will be living in a cyber life where a gadget and internet can be the tools of life.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there are both advantages and disadvantages for this issues.
"This means that doctors and patients no longer have to see each other very much, because so much routine medical care can be practiced while the patient is in the comfort of his or her own home. "
Statement above would be one of the advantages, thinking on how efficient our life will be. As a result, time saving will be one of a crucial thing in our life. However, looking at the negative side from the statement, it leads to an inaccurate examination of illness. Also, how we can pay for the doctors? By using credit cards? Not all people, especially Indonesian, can afford one.
In the other hand, as human who are naturally sociable, I think by socializing with the doctor face-to-face would give a better relieve feeling about our illness or sickness.
In addition, with this issue, I am more thinking that our future in health and medication area will be a 3D technology -- or even better 4D. We don't have to go to the nearest hospital, just sit down in our home with computer and internet connection.
This article about “Thoughts About The Future: Health” is very interesting. There are of course some advantages and disadvantages in it. One of the advantages is the patient can easily communicate with the doctor online. As it is already said in the article that they can engage in video chats, participate in health checkups over the phone, or review the results of in-home health monitoring devices that send the data to the doctor over an Internet connection. One of the advantages is it will be very expensive. Not everyone can afford this “e-health or e-care”, only the haves can. Then, I’m actually really worried after reading the example of downsides, about what if your equipment simply fails or becomes uncalibrated and gives a wrong reading? It will be very dangerous. I know that everything can’t be perfect, but for this matter, everything should be made imperfectly perfect. We talk about someone’s life in here. I think, the health monitoring devices should be checked again very carefully, in order to not give any harm to the patient.
ReplyDeleteThe technology and information have developed rapidly, so they also have huge role in improving and managing human life, including the health care. Maybe people in some advanced country such as, Canada, US, Australia, and Japan are familiar enough with e-health. And, I’m really fascinated knowing if patients have an automatic drug dispenser, then a doctor can prescribe how much of what drug a patient will get and change or stop the dosage based on the information obtained from the health monitors without having complicated as using manual methods. According to WHO e-health is “the transfer of health resources and health care by electronic means that it provides a new method for using health resources such as information, money, and medicines.” But, there is something that worried me like, how can the doctors prescribe medicine over the internet without seeing a patient? I guess it’s little bit critical, because it can be dangerous whenever the doctors don’t really know about what actually their patient’s condition. Physical face to face totally give a different sense rather than the virtual consultation. Through visiting the doctors, an invisible illness can be also diagnosed by them. Then, it better for patient to discuss or consult in term of getting appropriate medicines to avoid further risk of consumed the ‘wrong’ drugs.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this very useful article, Sir. Now I know about this kind of e-care method that people talking about lately. Well, this e-health or e-care method means that the doctor meet with their patients online to engage in video chats, participate in health checkups over the phone, or review the results of in-home health monitoring devices that send the data to the doctor over an Internet connection. Personally, I’m not really sure about this because there is a big difference if we check our health directly and through online. Sometimes when we meet the doctor directly, the doctor can see the real condition of our body and they will give us the right medicine. But can you imagine if we do that through online? Sometimes the patient just can’t describe how it really feels, so if we can’t describe it correctly, there are some possibilities that the doctor will give us the wrong medicine because they don’t interact with the patient directly. Still, I prefer go to the real doctor instead of e-care even if it is more efficient and practical.
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ReplyDeleteWow, I think this article is pretty interesting. In this era technology is getting more advanced, more innovations are just about to come with some more sophisticated technology. Now this new innovation is began to touch the medical world. It is so cool that we no longer need to meet doctor in person, and face to face to check up our health condition. With only use a computer we can talk to the doctor and he or she will diagnose the symptoms and give us drugs prescriptions or information for further treatment, and stuff.
ReplyDeleteThis innovation makes some big questions; can we guarantee that all of the symptoms can be diagnosed correctly? What if does not? What if doctor made mistakes on diagnosing the symptoms and gave wrong drugs prescriptions?
I think I would rather choose to go to the hospital and meet the doctor in person and see each other face to face, instead of using this e-health or e-care method.
Online doctor? Well, good idea, so far, but have you ever think about cyber crime hidden behind (or on the other side) of it? Maybe now it's hard to us to imagine how’s the “form" of the doctor online itself. How do they check the real condition of a patient by just stare at the monitor? What if the patient is suffering from a serious illness? Forget about the questions sounds offended for a while; let's look at the positive side. We may be able to seek treatment from doctor abroad (where) medical equipment and sophisticated health technologies, so we can diagnose the disease and treat it well. However, Can the doctor stay online 24/7? Sounds impossible, is not it? Although the shift may be applied in the system like in hospital, not everyone knows the online schedule a doctor, is not it? Speaking of drugs, a lot of victims of drugs sold online ultimately detrimental to the buyer. Yup, fraud. What I worry about here is the sale and counterfeiting of prescription drugs to gain an advantage one side. Well, it may look strange and are opposed because I have not been able to imagine.