Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Are You A Narcissist?

Messages about loving yourself, being confident, and comfort­able in your skin bombard us. We are constantly given mantras like “everyone is special” and “you have to love yourself first.” From an early age, classroom teachers use positive reinforcement to bolster the self-image of every student. The importance of having a healthy ego is undeniable, but are we raising our chil­dren to think they are so wonderful that they require excessive attention, affirmation, admiration, and adulation? Can we all be that great? Do we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we ignore others? Are we developing into a nation of narcissists?

Are You A Narcissist?

We are taught that self-confidence, pride, and assertiveness are admirable traits. So how do you know when you’ve crossed the line? Psychological experts believe you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder if you answer yes to at least five of the following:

  • Do you exaggerate your accomplishments and talents and feel that everything you do is important?
  • Do you only associate with other distinguished people and institutions?
  • Do you exploit others if it will benefit you?
  • Do others describe you as condescending and arrogant?
  • Do you frequently fantasize about having power, prestige, brilliance, beauty, or the “perfect” romance?
  • Do you require excessive and ongoing admiration from others?
  • Do you feel you deserve special treatment and feel others should comply with your expectations?
  • Are you apathetic about the feelings or concerns of others?
  • Are you envious of other people’s accomplishments and material belongings?

Narcissists love themselves to the exclusion of others. Narcis­sistic Personality Disorder gets its name from the ancient Greek story of Narcissus, the handsome young man who caught his re­flection in a pond and was so smitten with his own image, he continued to stare until he withered away and died.
continued to stare until he withered away and died.

Do You Know a Narcissist?
While only about 1 percent of the population is diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, millions of Americans operate under the influence of narcissism. Take Paul for example. When Paul interviewed for the midlevel management sales job at A2Z Corporation, he seemed like the perfect candidate. Gregarious, outspoken, confident, and assertive during the interview, this former marine was a shoe-in for the job. Paul’s evident charm, enthusiasm for the position, and his head full of ideas seemed like a guaranteed recipe for corporate success. In no time, A2Z Cor­poration offered Paul the job, and he accepted. He quickly became quite a stud around the office. But, as the weeks passed, Paul became impatient and resentful when management failed to implement all of his suggestions. His employees complained that he over­worked them, ignored their ideas, and was condescending and critical of the smallest mistakes. When midlevel managers in other departments received promotions, Paul be­come envious and bitter, openly criticizing the company’s decisions and leadership for not promoting him. A2Z’s final decision regarding Paul was to re­turn him to the ranks of the unemployed.
For many demanding and high-profile occupations, some nar­cissistic traits are helpful, perhaps even crucial, to success. Suc­cessful business leaders, politicians, and professional athletes all exhibit some narcissistic qualities. With this personality trait, a little goes a long way. So how can you tell whether you have what it takes to be a captain of industry or if you’re destined to be a Captain Bligh of the boardroom? Well, sharpen your pen­cils, sit down, and take the Narcissist Test to discover if you’re likely to forget the old sports adage, there’s no “I” in team. (But you can spell “me”!)


Give yourself a score that corresponds to your feelings or behavior:  1 point – Very Uncharacteristic; 2 points Uncharacteristic; 3 points Neutral; 4 points Characteristic; 5 points – Very Characteristic.

1. I can become absorbed in thinking about my personal affairs, my health, my cares, or my relations to others.
2. My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or the slighting remarks of others.
3. When I enter a room, I often become self-conscious and feel that the eyes of others are upon me.
4. I dislike sharing the credit of an achievement with others.
5. I feel I have enough on my hands without worrying about other people’s troubles.
6. I feel I am temperamentally different from most people.
7. I often interpret the remarks of others in a personal way.
8. I easily become wrapped up in my own interest and forget the existence of others.
9. I dislike being with a group unless I know that I am appreciated by at least one of those present.
10I am secretly “put out” or annoyed when other people come to me with their troubles, asking me for my time and sympathy


To find your score, simply add the ten numbers you circled and write your score on the line below.
Your Score __________

Your Score
Level of Narcissism
Less than 20
More than 40

Score of 10 to 23—Heart of Gold
You wear empathy as a badge of honor. You are a kind, caring, deeply nurturing person who always has time for others. When someone needs an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on, that person looks for you. You’re a team player with a heart of gold. People count on your support, reassurance, and help with their problems. You are a great friend. However, be aware that at times others may take advantage of your compassion. Realize that sometimes it is better to put yourself first. If you find that you are being stepped on, overlooked, or just plain ignored, it is time to put yourself first. To do this, emulate someone you ad­mire who is slightly more focused on their own interests. Prac­tice saying “no.”

Score of 24 to 40—The Golden Ruler
Your narcissistic tendencies are about average. You have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless. You make time for others, but still keep time for you. These qualities make you a good friend. The adage “charity begins at home” suits your personality. While you work well with others in a team set­ting, you take pride when your own contributions are recog­nized. You sympathize with the plight of others and offer helpful advice, but you also remember to be careful and stay the course to your own goals and objectives.

Score of Greater than 40—Fool’s Gold
You can’t be bothered to listen to other people’s sob stories, and frankly, you wish they’d keep their trivial problems to them­selves. In fact, it is difficult for you to fully empathize with and comprehend the feelings and beliefs of others. You believe team settings allow weak-minded individuals to hide their incompe­tence while taking credit for your ideas and innovations. You are too important, and life is too short to waste your time dealing with people who aren’t in a position to help you get ahead. You tend to have an over-inflated sense of your own importance. The higher your score, the more you share these attitudes.

Recognize that you can’t help yourself if you only help yourself. People will see through you. Yes, first impressions are im­portant, but lasting impressions are what matters. For you to walk a mile in another person’s shoes, you may need to take small steps. Volunteer your services—without taking credit. Do­nate to a charity—anonymously. Try to see a concern from someone’s point of view where you have no stake in the out­come.

If you scored 40 or more, you may not realize this, but your friends and colleagues will respect you more if you stop being envious of others and give them credit for their efforts. You do not need to embellish your success to be admired. Share the recognition more, and you will be better liked. People respond to generosity of wealth and spirit.

Taken from Are You Crazy? - 18 Scientific Quizzes To Test Yourself By Andrew N. Williams [2008]

Another article on this topic HERE.

Any thoughts on this article? Use the COMMENTS feature below to share your penny's worth...


  1. My score is 34. That means I am self-aware and included in the golden ruler category.
    While I agree in almost everything about the golden ruler, there is one that I don't think I have it in me, that is "While you work well with others in a team set­ting......." I am more of a person person but if I have to work in group or team, then I can bear with it.
    I am a really really selfless person until you used me or disappointed me. But there are times when I get really really lazy, like the stage IV of cancer of laziness (if such thing exists), that I probably will not do anything for myself, moreover for others. When I am getting like this, bear with me pals.


  2. My score is 28. So according to this test I am self aware and in The Golden Rule category. I think that this is a great test and almost precisely true. Because the description above almost describe me completely. “You have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless” is my favorite description. Because when you just met me you'll think that I am an over-confident and arrogant kinda girl. But when you know me better, you'll know that that behavior is only on the surface and that's actually how I manage to get to know others quickly. But deep down I'm actually not that confident. It's not fake, that's just how I present myself.
    I like to hear my friends' stories or problem then I usually give the best advice that I could give. And I also feel that I work well individually and in a team as well. I usually take more responsibilities but I don't like to take the credit, and prefer to take it as the team success.

  3. I got 24 for score in this test. According to the article my score means I am self-aware and in the Golden ruler category. The article says that my narcissistic tendencies are about average, neither too narcissist nor too shy. I like the sentence from the article that says I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless, and I make time for others but still keep time for myself. Keeping balance in life is important because you have to divide your time for many affairs, but still you have to have priority scale to choose which is urgent to do. Then, the article also says that “you take pride when your own contributions are recognized. You sympathize with the plight of others and offer helpful advice, but you also remember to be careful and stay the course to your own goals and objectives.” I realize that those sentences are really in me.

  4. My score is 33 so I'm categorized as the golden ruler and my narcissistic tendencies are about average. I'm relieved that I'm self-aware. It stated that I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless, I make time for others, but still keep time for myself, and those qualities make me a good friend. I hope people, especially my friends think the same like the statement. I really want to be a good friend to everyone, and people are comfortable whenever they talk with me, even though I'm kinda a quiet person at first. But when I get along, I'll be the most talkative person among my friends.

  5. What an interesting article! I hope you will post another 'psychological' thing again. Anyway, I got 29! The article said that it means self-aware. I like it. I think heart of gold is very impressive, but really, he/she needs to change a little bit. Thank you God I'm in the golden ruler. I think golden ruler is the best, not because I'm in it, but because it's balance. I'm agree that sometimes we need to care about ourself first, and sometimes we should listen to other people's trouble. We can't live in our own, we need other people to help us. Those with Fool's Gold team better try to change. I'm sorry, but personally, I have no respect with those in Fool's Gold category. I think I know some with Fool's Gold category, and no matter how hard I tried to be close with them, I couldn't. The more I know them, the more I don't like them. And before I hate them, I chose to make distance with them. I know that what I'm doing is not the best way, maybe it's bad, but I just couldn't do anything with that. Maybe I should tell them, but I can't. I just wish that they will realize it soon.
    "Yes, first impressions are important, but lasting impressions are what matters." I seriously love this sentence. Who made this sentence?

  6. I got 35 from the test, that means i'm a self-absorbed person. I wonder if that mean that i think myself too much and ignore things around me. But from the explanation, i got the Golden Ruler character, i guess this test just give us the general view of narssistic because there could be one person who has few characters in the "Heart of Gold" and "Golden Ruler" characters. For example, i got the "Golden Ruler" character but i think i have few things that in the "Heart of Gold" such as the difficulties of saying "no" to other people.
    In my opinion, this test is good for people who seek their personality when they are in the public. The test shows how you behave in public or when your friends around and give us some advice for it.

  7. My score is 35. I am the Golden Ruler. Yeah, this test is really good because it reflects me. I am a person who has a balance between selfish and selfless. I always write my daily schedule, what to do after wake up, go to campus, and etc. I can balance my “me time” and the time which I have to be selfless. I like to hear about my friends’ stories whether good or sad stories. I always help my friend if I could and I never forget that I have to do something for myself as well.
    Talking about narcissist, I have a story about my narcissism. Haha.. It was in my Junior until my Senior High School. I always brought something every day in my bag, like I can’t stand without it. What is that? What do you think? Well, it was a mirror. A small mirror. My friends who sat near me (in front of me, beside me, or behind me) know my weird habit. Every morning, after the bell ringing, I took my books, pencil-case, and this thing to put it in the table. I always open the mirror so I could see me every time. Is it weird? Well, I don’t think so because you know. Girls like to do it. Actually, not only me who loves to put a mirror on the table in the class, but also some of my girl- friends did it.

  8. My score is 28 and I’m categorized as golden ruller and my narcissistic tendencies is average luckily I don’t want to be a selfish person because I know I can’t live here alone I need a people such as family and friends to help me at any situation so I hav to balancing my life between to make time for a private time and to make time to spend as a friend to another person so I believe become a friendly person instead become a selfish person will give you a lot of benefits like your friends will always be near you to help you at anytime and you will be loved by your family and also you will never feel alone living in some new places there will be a nice persons who will always help you but you still have to think that god was made you special in order to make you confidence to fight against anything.

  9. I’m the golden ruler because of my score is 28. Luckily I was only named “Self Aware”. Actually, In my opinion to be aware with my appearance is needed in my life. I think when people look your appearance at the first time is the time when people who started judge your life. It was the time when people can judge you were a bad one or the good one person. Although there is a quote says “Don’t Judge the book by it’s cover”, I think first impression is still an important things

    A golden ruler is the level above Fool’s Gold level. It means I still have some sympathize feelings. In my opinion to be care with each others is needed in my life because of as a human we know that we can’t live alone in this world.

  10. My score is 28. That means I’m “The Golden Ruler” and my level of narcissism is “Self-aware”. I’m happy with that result. Because I don’t want to be in the “Fool’s gold” category. The article said that “Recognize that you can’t help yourself, if you only help yourself”. I’m agree with that sentence. Human is a social creature, so we can’t do everything by our own everyday. We must build good relation to others, so people will help each other. If a person is too narcissist, it will lead to bad relations.
    We have to stop exaggerating our accomplishments, being so envious, and things like that. So we can be kind, caring, deeply nurturing person who always has time for others, like the article said. It will lead to good relations.
    The quiz and the article are very good. It opens my mind really. I want to be a better person. Not only for myself but for other people too. Hopefully, this wish isn’t just end up in this comment though. Thank you for reading.

  11. I got 26 in this narcissism test. The explanation said that I'm self-aware and I'm in the "Golden Ruler" category. I think this is true because I love to care about myself but I feel unsatisfied if my friends need my help. I like to work alone but if my friends ask me to work or study together I'd like to accept it. For example it was when I'm still in high school, I often studied together with my friends in my house, especially when we had the mid-term or final exam. We discussed the questions, we phoned our teachers if we still didn't know the answers, and we hung out to somewhere if we surrendered. But still, sometimes I need to do my tasks alone with full concentration. A little bit nostalgic, I guess. But really, those explanations suit me, it explains me very well. I love to listen to my friends' stories, but sometimes I guess I just don't really care about their feelings. I just give them an ordinary advice that might be helpful.
    Hopefully, I am a really good friend to another. Thanks for the test, Sir.

  12. My score for this test is 27. So, I’m categorized in The Golden ruler character. I mostly like and agree with the statement in the text because it is important for me to have a balance between being selfless and selfish. In this case I need to focus on my goal but I also feel that I have a responsibility to help the society around me because I feel that without them, I will get a lot of difficulties to achieve my goals. So that’s why, In order to reciprocate what they already gave to me, I will give what I can give into the society. Other than that, giving your time in your society isn’t about serving other that waste your time. By getting active in the society, we can also improve our soft skill including how we can understand and interact with a lot of people with different characteristic.

  13. I got 30 for this test. I glad you make this kind of quiz. I really like to test my self and answered this kind of quiz in magazine or in the internet. So, I'm categorized in The Golden Ruler, average level. It's a bit true.I like to help people around me as long as i am not lost something. I make a lot of friendship not because i need them at that moment. As a human, we will do not know what will happen to us and we absolutely will need the others help.
    But however I am not kind of person who easily feel comfort with new people. So the people who just know me, usually think that i am kind of a cold person. But if you know me so well, I would be a friendly person and like to discuss about something. I am actually like to talking rather than listening to someone story. I am not expert to make a comment about someone else problem and i am difficult to place myself to feel the other's problem. But i really want to be a good listener so all my friends are feel comfort to share their problem to me.

  14. I like this kind of physiological test. Because with this test we can know better what kind of person are we. My score is 23 points for this narcissist test and according to this test I am a type of person who selfless and heart of gold. Honestly, I like to be in a heart of gold category that (according to this test) have time to others and reliable. When my friends come to me and tell me their stories, I like to hear it and I am happy because they may think I am a reliable or trusted person to share their stories. However, I do not think that I am a kind of person that being stepped on or think about others first than myself and selfless. I personally think I still have time to think about myself and know when I can put myself first or think about others first.

  15. To be honest, as I’m reading this article and doing the ‘HOW NARCISSISTIC ARE YOU?’ test, it got me quite confused whether this is all about narcissism or insecurity. When someone is insecure he or she is described as someone who is lack of confidence and always seems to be troubled. I personally been through that phase of being insecure and I feel that question 2,3,5,6,7 and 9 would easily fit in if we change the question to ‘HOW INSECURE ARE YOU?’. An insecure person is always concern of what the people around them are thinking about them and they constantly thinking of how imperfect they are. These people are often very emotional and take things really hard when they are being judged. The irony is that ‘the best-looking person is often the most insecure ones’ said a Victoria Secret model Cameron Russell in TEDx talk and I feel that this is extremely relatable to my experience when I worked as a model. Back then, many of my colleagues always complains of how fat they are while they were already skeletally skinny or how ugly they are while their face is baby smooth. Lucky for me I managed to combat my insecurity and I would urge everybody out there to be more confident of yourself as being too insecure is doing injustice to your body.

  16. What an interesting quiz! I got 32 points as the result which means I am categorized as “golden ruler”. I know when I must be a selfish or selfless. In my middle school era, one of my friend always tell her story, mostly about her love story, and I listened to her very well, even though sometimes I can’t give any advice to solve her problem. But I just love listening to people’s story and sometimes that caused me not focused to my teacher in class room. Well, but I don’t ignore my teacher every time, I know when I must stop listening and paying attention to class. About my narcissism, I love to take picture of myself with my phone alone, but I don’t like when someone take my picture. I feel very shy especially when I took picture with my family. I can smile in front of my camera alone, but not with my family. Maybe it’s weird, but it’s true. I’m a fan of selca (self camera).

  17. I got 26 points after taking this test, which means, according to it, that I'm a golden ruler and self-aware person. I quite agree with what the article describes a 'golden ruler' person is like. It is indubitable that I like to take a teeny tiny bit more credit than other people I'm working with on projects. However, it is also true that sometimes I can be a good listener. In high school, a lot of my high school friends used to ask me to listen to them venting about their love stories, either the sad or happy ones. A lot of girls also said that I can somehow understand how they think and give remarkable advices, unlike most boys

    While I think that this test is quite interesting, I disagree that this test should be called 'narcissist test', and suggest that it's called 'confidence test' or 'insecurity test' instead.

    "My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or the slighting remarks of others."
    this question should be asked to determine whether a person is insecure or not. If a person is very uncharacteristic with this statement, I don't think that it necessarily means that he/she is a narcissistic. Furthermore, though this test states me as a self-aware person, there are often times when I don't feel so secure about my physique. I sometimes still think that I'm not good-looking enough, don't dress well enough, etc.

  18. I get 30 on this test. It means that my level of narcissism is self-aware and I’m a golden ruler. My narcissistic tendencies are about average, so I can assume that I’m normal. I totally agree with the description of the golden ruler. It really describes me. I’m used to meet new friends, because I lived my life moving from one to another city in Indonesia every several years. So, adapting is not a new thing for me. I’m used to adapt with a totally new environment. I like meeting new friends, sharing my stories and problems with them, hearing their stories and problems, giving helpful advice, hanging out together, and so on. In term of working in a team setting, it is right that I take pride when my contributions are recognized by my teammates, but I also appreciate others' work and feel happy for them. I’m a social creature, and I realize that I need others to help me, so do others. So, I personally believe that it’s good to have a lot of friends. Let’s be friends guys.

  19. I got 23 for this Narcissist Test. In the level of narcissism, I am a selfless person. I am also in the heart of gold category. It is true that I always have time for others. I love listening to my friend’s stories and to be there for them. I am also supporting someone who needs my support. I do also realize that sometimes my “friends” are taking me for granted. It is so hard to refuse a favor. I always want to help other people. I believe in “what you give is what you get”. I often imagine myself being in someone’s shoe and wondering if I need any help. I used to always do what people told me to do, but lately I am trying to say no if I think it is not good for me. I even googled “how to refuse a favor”. I learned that saying “no” is never fun, but sometimes it is necessary.

  20. I got 28 on this test which refers to me being in the self-aware and golden ruler category. I thought I was going to get the heart of gold or self-sacrificing category because I feel like I've been spending my time listening instead of being the one talking (or putting other people first) but nope. I am thankful though, that I am balanced because I can’t imagine myself being a selfish person (I can’t do everything on my own without the help of others sometimes). Even though the test states that I am a self-aware person, I still have my moments. I really like physiological tests like these because it helps you get to know yourself a little bit better so post more please!
    I would also like to point out that I think the questions are more acceptable or suitable for an “are you insecure?” test rather than an “are you a narcissist?” one. Why? Because for some questions, even though your answer is closer to the narcissist rate, it actually doesn't make you narcissistic at all but instead more confident or insecure (depending on the question and rate).

  21. I got 27 in this test. I think it can be rather suitable for me. From the description, 27 get into The Golden Ruler category. It stated that I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless. Twenty-seven is much closer to the bottom margin of this category, twenty-four. Consequently, I have the balance that is stronger in the Heart of Gold. Actually to be honest, I’m a moody person. So, sometimes I can be very quiet that I don’t want to talk to anybody else and fall deep to my mind, having a brainstorming. On the other hand, I can’t say no when someone needs my help.
    Actually, I think there is nobody has pure selfish or pure selfless in reality. Everybody has both of those personalities, but they have it different in the degree. The more selfish a person the closer he is to the Fool’s Gold category. And on the other side, the more selfless a person he is probably more likely Heart of Gold category.

  22. Well, according to the test I got 29 points. I am considered to be in The Golden Ruler category, which means I am pretty much neutral about myself. Not being too narcissistic or selfless. It’s nice to see the result actually, because I honestly thought that I’m going to end up in the narcissistic category. Personally, I feel that I am a somewhat selfish person, or to be exact, I don’t care much about others’ problems. I prefer to finish my own matters, and then afterwards I would tend to them. Appearance-wise, I always try to get a good impression from people. It’s not really narcissistic isn’t it? I mean, everybody likes to be praised on how they look like. I often get some confidence boost from it, which is nice. To say that I am a very confident person would be wrong, and I’d rather be described as not caring on how others think about me, but at the same time trying to look nice. I think I inherited this behavior of mine from my father. He likes to dress nicely, wear perfumes, and other stuff. However, he doesn’t care how people think as long as he tried to look nice. Basically he thought me that since I was little because he once said, “First impression is everything” which I believe is true up until now.

  23. Based on the result, I am categorized as the Golden Ruler and considered as a self-aware person. My score is 33 points which means my narcissistic tendencies are about average. It’s pretty much true as it reflects myself. I am a person who has many consideration on acted toward things, depend on the situation. I believe there are certain moments where we need to being selfish and selfless. As we’ve grown up, we need the ability on how to recognize and properly place ourselves in a situation. Thus, we would know which personality best to perform ourselves in the current time, whether being selfish or not. I like to be heard and appreciated, in the meantime I try to treat others like what I want to be treated. Most of the time, you will find me tend to be calm in the first meeting. I probably would looked kind of passive for the first impression. But afterwards, I am such an active and cheerful person. In addition, I really do care about how I looked. It’s not that I have to dressed fashionable. I would be feeling confident as long as it’s nice, neat and comfortable to wear on.

  24. This article is very interesting haha. My score is 20 in this narcissism test, so that means I’m characterized in “Heart of Gold” and my level of narcissism is “Self-less”. According to the article I am a kind, caring, deeply nurturing person who always has time for others. At first I laughed and thought am I that kind of person? - haha it’s really funny. I think there are some characteristics that are true about me, but some characteristics don’t. I do like when my friends have a problem and they come to me and share their problem or their happiness, because for me it means that I reliable and I can keep their secrets haha. I like helping people and make people happy. I will do my best in helping and making some advises for my friends that need a shoulder to cry on. But there’s important message from the article ‘Prac¬tice saying “no.” ‘- yes I will practice it haha

  25. Well I've honestly tried to answer the questions as personally as I could and promised myself not to change it once I wrote it down. I got a score of 23, so I'm categorized as Selfless. In my personal opinion I would actually categorize myself as a "Golden Ruler" because I'm usually self-aware and even self-absorbed at times. In some cases when people laugh near me, I can’t help but feel that I might have done something weird. At other times when I feel like I've done something wrong I try to avoid the person that I've wronged, when I have things I want to do I tend to ignore everything else so I think I'm a pretty self-aware kind of guy. Though I can’t fully disagree with this article because it has some good results on most of my friends. This just proves that not all tests can be confirmed true or false some are just: plausible.

  26. I just tried the narcissist tendencies test and I don’t even know why I got 35 poins. It’s a bit high, right? 35 poins means I’m self-absorbed and the Golden Ruler. I honestly can’t judge myself but I think I often have many insecurities that make me being too absorbed with my own thoughts. It’s not because I love myself too much. It’s just my habbit to think whatever people have said to me, because I’m quite worried about what the other might think of me sometimes. I realize that I need to get rid of these useless thoughts soon, though. I agree with “you make time for others but still keep time for you” part. I’d like to spend my time alone, but it doesn’t mean that I dislike hanging out with the other. I like to give advices and comments if someone tells me a story too. I don’t like lying to people so I often give an objective statement, although maybe I’m not a good listener. I like to work with the other people as long as they can appreciate me and communicate well with the other.  

  27. These types of posts are fun to do eventhough it takes a little bit more time than analyzing normal articles. I scored 30, which is the golden ruler. Which means I’m in the safe zone, not too vain, not too empathic. But somehow I consider myself a little bit self-centered; I tend to only care about what happens to me and less sensitive about the people around me. This has always been a problem, and I have dealt with problems regarding my behavior. I don’t really like listening to other people’s stories; frankly I just can’t bring myself to care. This costed my friendship and relationship. But, i’m trying to be a better person. I know I’m miles away from reaching up to that point. Hopefully I have time to make up to that. To be honest, I would totally fit in to the fool’s gold category. So I conclude that this is a little bit unaccurate!

  28. I scored 27 in this test, so I'm categorized as the Golden Rule. Personally I never believe this kind of test, but somehow this result describe me accurately.
    Sometimes I'm just like a selfish person, but in same time I love to hear someone's story, mostly girl, and give him/her a suggestion if they ask. I just do that because I think they have troubles and they need someone to hear their stories, just to make them feel better. I'm a person who can't see my friends live in troubles, and I'm happy if I could make someone feel happy. Maybe I'm in a big trouble when someone ask me a suggestion, and most of times I'll give them instead of denying them, and I just forget my problem for a while.
    Another thing is I just can't easily deny when someone ask me something, which I think this as my weakness. But in other side, I think it's okay, because when we make a good relationship, people will trust us, and maybe it will bring an opportunity, not now but in future maybe.

  29. My Score is 28, it means My narcistic is average, I’m the golden ruller and my level of narcism is self aware. I think it’s really true, because I really concerned about myself especially when I don’t have somebody who can be trusted. I prefer doing everything by myself to working together, but I still can work as a team when the condition push me to do it.I always try to help people who needs my help, and give them support when they need my support, not because I want the payback about what I have done, but I just can’t imagine If I were him/her. It’s absolutely difficult to find someone who really concerned about us, that’s why we should do our best to help others. The thing that I still learn is how to reject a favor, because sometimes people exploit our kindness to help them, and it makes me so uncomfortable

  30. This post is so interesting, and I took the test, and I scored 32. Which means that am a Golden Ruler, and it said that I'm not a selfless nor a selfish person, and means that I'm a slightly normal person (hopefully). Results are slightly describe me well. I honestly love to listen my friend's stories of problem. When they are asking for advices, I always try to give the best and the most logical one, based on my experience.
    "I am secretly “put out” or annoyed when other people come to me with their troubles, asking me for my time and sympathy' this is so not me, I can't just let my friend facing his or her problem alone, as long I can help, I will help them. I can imagine, how worst does it feels, for facing problem all by our own, without someone else help.
    As a human, we should helping, listening, and caring each other. But, don't forget, that we should do the same thing for ourself too.

  31. I got a score of 30, which meens that I am self-aware. My narcissistic tendencies are about average and I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless. I actually thought I would fit best in this group before I took the test. I think it's just healthy to be a bit selfish and to think about yourself sometimes. Like the point were you fantasize about having power, prestige, brilliance, beauty, or the “perfect” romance. I think a lot of people are thinking about that from time to time, and I think it sounds normal as long as you don't do it every day. At least I think about it sometimes. Having the perfect job, to be the best in someting or winning a competition. It's good as long as you can combine it with your care for others and being a good friend. The test is nice, you can always check yourself so you don't cross the line.

  32. My score of this test is 27, so I am the ‘ The Golden Ruler’ and self-aware. My narcissistic tendencies are about average and I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless.
    I think this is also how my friends would describe me. I really take care of the relationships with my friends and I am there for them when they need me. But I know when I need them they will be there for me as well. I think when you want to have a good relationship you will need this balance, otherwise friends will walk over you or you will walk over your friends.
    And of course you have moments that you think too much about yourself. But I think that isn’t bad if you are aware of this. If you just hold in your mind there have to be a balance. You can not just take in life, there must be a balance between giving and taking.

  33. I scored 31, so I guess, I am a self-aware person. I think being a self-aware person is a healthy thing, where you can find balance in life. Self-aware people would still make time for herself and for others. It also said that I am the golden ruler, well, after read those description stated in the article, the only thing i could think of is touché. And if those criteria make me a good kind of friend then I hope I really am a good friend. I personally think I am not that good though. When my fiends came to me to tell their problems, I wouldn't give them advice unless they wanted to. Because i understand that sometimes people just want to tell their day and i don't have to tell them what's right or wrong. I don't know if I worked well in team, then again, it's not my right to say so. But yes, I love it when my contribution is recognized. So once again,touché.

  34. My score is 28 and it’s categorized as the golden ruler. Well out of this test accurate or not, I’m still happy with the description that is given in this article about “the golden ruler”. Before read this article, I think narcissist only applies to people who take self picture often. That’s why I don’t get interest to read this article at the beginning, but then Tsamara told me that this article is like self quiz so I tried it. I like doing self quiz since I was in elementary school because I think its fun when you read about your own self. Sometimes when you read it, there are some characteristics of yours those you just realized after you did the test. Sometimes that realizing helps you solve your problem and other times make you feel worst instead. But basically it’s a good thing to know you better through this kind of self quiz because after that you can improve the superiority of yourself.

  35. Wow what an interesting quiz and I got 31 score for this quiz which means that I’m categorized as the Golden Rule. In the Golden Rule category it means that I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless, and I make time for others, but still keep time for myself. The result of the quiz is pretty much match my personality. I actually didn’t quite understand with my own personality, but it’s a great thing if I know that I’m not categorized as narcissistic people. The first thought that came out to my mind is, when we know our personality we must’ve began to realize things that we do for others. Just like when we’re helping others, when we’re helping others we might not realize that things that we could’ve done to someone else might happen back to us. Just like in physics, when there’s an action there’ll be a reaction to it. I’m not helping others just in case so they’ll remember me, instead I helped them because I feel that when I am helping others I feel so happy to ease their burden. Thank you Adrien for posting a nice article like this, I hope that you’ll post something like this more in the future.

  36. My score is 29, so I'm categorized as self-aware in the level of narcissism and I'm in the golden ruler category which is I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless. Its true I can make time for others and still have another time for myself, but sometimes I must make a schedule and can determined what is important and what is not. I think my priority is myself, as mentioned in the article "you also remember to be careful and stay the course to your own goals and objectives" that's what I'm agreed with. If I'm finished with my own thing I will have some time with the others, because we need others in life to help us whenever we need them. I'm happy with my result in this kind of psychological test, at least it proved that I'm likely in the right side, am I right?

  37. It must have been awful for who has to stay around to this kind of ‘Mr. Unpleasant Paul’ described as someone with skills, manners perhaps also appearance but devil in attitudes. I don’t mean to be judgmental but I can see that these kinds of guys will end up to friendless and likely broke, too. The quiz itself is quiet intriguing so I went through it swiftly. Although In my opinion some questions do not really fit to classify one into narcissistic personality disorder verdict. Like no.2 and 7, to me sound like someone who easily to get touchy and isn't it a sign of low self-confidences instead?
    Anyway, am I a narcissist according to this test? Guess, please…

    I am starting to learn about this word from the media actually, from our "broken" English speaker presenters, celebrities, and amazingly some of our senior political leader too, likes to refer to this word and then later of course becoming so popular in social media too. It is written as ‘narsis’ and so the pronunciation in Bahasa. Some people will refer narcissist to a person who took a picture by raising their hand to the perfect angle and form a duck face pose in the public.

  38. I feel happy I am not one of that fool’s gold category. Anyway my score is 26, which mean that I am a golden ruler. I have a balance between being selfish and selfless. Also it means that I am a helpful person but I also stay the course with my own goals and objectives. Well actually for me it depends on my moods (yeah I am a moody person), whether I want to be selfish or selfless. But since we are talking about narcissistic, I am quite confused with the explanation. In my opinion, selfish is quite different with narcissistic. For me, the meaning of a word selfish is a behavior of someone that always wanting themselves to win. While narcissistic is a behavior of someone that glorifying themselves. So, does being selfish mean to be a narcissistic also? Because I think I more likely to be selfish rather than selfless. I am the only child and I have no competitor in the family. Even though I am not always get what I want but at least I have no one to share of my things. Does it make me a narcissistic for being selfish?

  39. My score is 21 which mean I’m a “Heart of Gold”. Some of them are true and some are not. Many of my friends always talk to me, need my advice, or even need my shoulder to cry on if they have problems. Usually it’s about love problems and school problems. I do enjoy hearing them, cheering them on, giving them advice because I love to see my friend happy, so I would do anything to them. Besides of it, sometimes I know some secrets that most of my friends don’t know. The only disadvantage of being a good friend and a good listener is, sometimes when I feel down or blue and need support and advice, my friends don’t support or give me advice. They think I can handle my problems by myself because I can always give them support and advice. In fact, I also need a shoulder to cry on, ears to hear my complaints, and also a good friend to support me when I’m down. Thus, sometimes being a “good friend” is not that good.

  40. I love this article! My score is 24. So according to this test, I’m in the Golden Ruler category, which is I have a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless. Well, almost all of the things that said in that category are true if I compared to myself especially the ‘you work well with others in a team set-ting’ part. I love to do something in group, not individual because I think sometimes thing will be better if we face it together. And also I love to make friends with someone. Maybe that’s why I love when someone share their problems to me. I will give my advice as best as I can for them actually. But sometimes when I need to be alone, I don’t want anybody disturb me. Do you know that feeling when you don’t want to talk to anyone without any reason? Sometimes I feel it, that’s why I need to be alone.

  41. My score is 28. It means I’m “Self-Aware” and in the “Golden Rule” category. After I’ve done my test, I looked at everyone’s score, and their score are mostly the same. Based on the article, the Golden Rule category is the average score. It means that people who are in this category have a balance life between being selfish and selfless. If I see my reflection, I may agree with this article and the result. I admit that I could have a balance on those things but still keep time for myself. I can see it when it’s about doing homework or school’s assignment. My friends usually ask for the answer, when this happened, I can give them the wrong answer or not give them the answer at all. But then I think again, what if I can’t do it myself and I have to ask them? So the only way to solve this is to teach them how to do the homework or assignment rather than give them the answer.
    I think it already showed the balance between being selfish and selfless.


  42. I have always loved these personality quizzes! I got a 20 in my ‘are you narcissist’ quiz, apparently that puts me in the level of selfless narcissism and I am in the heart of gold category. This is funny because I do not think that it is fully true though, I am not a team player, because I find it hard to communicate when I am travelling in groups or discussing in a team. Somehow, I have always found myself to back out of debates and confrontation, simply because I do not like being aggressive, and I guess….. I have always been a passive person.
    What this particular part of this article said about not being able so say ‘no’ is most of the time true though, since I have always hated confrontation and I have always avoided debates and I am not good at being aggressive, I ended up saying yes to anything that I believe I can still do, in the end I would push myself and that’s not healthy, but, what can I do? It’s easier this way and as long as I can take it, why not?
